Letter to the editor: Choose Gorman over Schuring

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As a CPA and financial adviser in Ohio, I found it quite disturbing to read recently about how funds provided to the state to help our citizens cope with COVID-related challenges have been spent. More accurately, I should say, instead, how those funds have NOT been used in Stark County.

It is inconceivable that $7 million for emergency housing assistance was returned to the federal government, with the explanation that the money wasn't needed because there weren't any more applications for assistance. I do wonder how hard they looked for people in need as the number of evictions rose during that time.

Then we learn that the state is sitting on $10 billion in federal aid. Those in charge thought it was better to sit back and not spend this money until they heard more from the people of the state. Now the legislature and the administration will decide how to spend it.

When we look at the legislation that state Sen. Kirk Schuring lists as his accomplishments, we don't see much that benefits the average Stark County resident. We should not expect more from him in the future.

Voters in Ohio's state Senate District 29 have a positive option on Nov. 8: Lynn Gorman, a write-in candidate, is challenging Mr. Schuring. Lynn is a compassionate, conscientious, knowledgeable and diplomatic pastor who has advocated for people in need most of her life.

Vote this Nov. 8. Your voice needs to be heard. We need to help Ohio bring back jobs, help the working and middle classes, and move our great state forward. We need to benefit the average Stark County resident.

Denise K. Prowell, Lake Township

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Letter to the editor: Choose Gorman over Schuring