Letter to the editor: We need a clear and decisive energy plan

Mr. President, we need a clear and decisive energy plan. Finger pointing gets us nowhere. In the words of Harry S. Truman, The Buck Stops Here; JFK took full responsibility for the Bay of Pigs fiasco.

Leadership is defined by recognizing a problem and then solving it. Here are some thoughts on an energy plan, both short- and long-term:

  1. Encourage the construction of dozens of nuclear facilities throughout the United States with one design. France has taken the lead. It will help solve our electrical grid weakness.

  2. Encourage drilling for oil in the United States and offshore (supply and demand, the more supply there is, the price goes down).

  3. Temporarily suspend ethanol (corn) in gasoline. Two things happen immediately: One, the price of corn goes down as well as food costs and related products (therefore helping inflation). Two, the efficiency of gasoline increases, thereby helping reduce pollution. Less gasoline used equals less pollution.

  4. Stop issuing executive orders that fund with taxpayer dollars, solar and wind. These energy sources need to make it on their own, and they are supplemental at best. (Don’t forget the Solyndra scandal and the Obama administration.)

  5. Strongly encourage hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. The byproduct is water.

Now is the time to lead. I hope you are up to the challenge.

Gust Callas, Canton

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Letter to the editor: We need a clear and decisive energy plan