Letter to the editor: Closing La Reina is shameful

Re: your Jan. 26 story, “La Reina High to close at the end of the year”:

I am a La Reina graduate from the class of 1983. I have attended every class reunion for 40 years. For decades, I have admired what a powerhouse school La Reina became and how poised, intelligent and impressive La Reina girls are.

Like many alumnae, I am shocked and saddened at the announced closing of the school. There are plenty of students, parents and alumnae looking to reverse this decision. I hope they are successful. But for me, I have moved past the “why” of the closing. I am upset over how this was served up to the current parents and students — their stakeholders.

If they needed to fire their board and install a new one, chances are they were not acting in good faith. The current board and the La Reina administration have trashed the legacy of a fine school — my school. They have embroiled the school in scandal and rumor. They have disgraced the good names of all the women who sacrificed so that thousands of young women could receive the very best education: Sister Mary Josanne, Sister Marie Terese, Sister Patricia Anne, Sister Joan Sutter, Sister Mary Christine, Sister Mary Nunzio, Sister Mary Sheila, and the list goes on.

The individuals behind this decision should ask themselves if their hasty action was the best way to honor nearly 60 years of love, sacrifice and sisterhood. The callous disregard for La Reina students and their families is deplorable. They ought to be ashamed of themselves.,

Jennifer Kindred, Ventura

This article originally appeared on Ventura County Star: Letter to the editor: Closing La Reina is shameful