Letter to the editor: Curb the enthusiastic use of fertilizer

Imagine being in a hospital hooked up to a respirator, intravenous tubes, and other medical devices. You shake uncontrollably in indescribable pain as a high fever ravages your entire body and devastates your immune system.

In 2014, Toledo issued a drinking water ban due to toxic algal blooms in Lake Erie. The cause of these blooms: agricultural runoff. This material eventually enters the water system. Nestled in Stark County is Sippo Lake, which serves as a source of drinking water for Canton and its neighboring communities. Sippo Lake is under constant threat by microscopic algae.

The source of these harmful algal blooms (HABs) comes from excess fertilizer used on yards and other industries. University of Jordan associate professor of plant pathology Monther Tahat discussed the urgency to restore soil health to maintain sustainability by using plant diversity.

In October 2016, the U.S. Geological Survey stated that human and animal illnesses were reported in 43 states due to HABs. Humans can mitigate the effects of chemical substances in our environment. The National Science Foundation reports that toxic algal blooms have been affecting Lake Erie since the late 1990s.

Sippo Lake has yet to experience a crippling algal situation and is routinely monitored for excessive mineral concentrations and other water quality components. The easiest way to prevent algal blooms is to stop using so many pesticides and fertilizers on your yards.

It is beneficial to prevent any algal contamination. Yards should be tested for mineral deficiencies. Native vegetation should be planted before flowers, for they require less maintenance and provide food and shelter for wildlife. Sippo Lake can be prevented from joining the list of localities that have experienced the negative consequences of HABs. Stark County can work more strategically and proactively to maintain the quality of its drinking water.

Michael McClure, Louisville

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Letter to the editor: Curb the enthusiastic use of fertilizer