Letter to the editor: Domestic Violence Project honors three courageous women

Since 1978, Domestic Violence Project Inc. (DVPI) has been providing emergency shelter and supportive services to survivors of domestic violence. This month marks 45 years of DVPI serving Stark County.

Forty-five years ago, Gertrude Kennedy, Helen Syrios, and Nancy Boylan saw the need for transformation in our community. After a county-wide survey identified there was no legal entity to solicit funds or provide safe shelter for domestic violence survivors, the three women decided to take on the initiative.

With passion and courage, Gertrude and Helen each gave $25 to attorney Harry Schmuck to file the incorporation paperwork. Domestic Violence Project was established on April 28, 1978, with two goals in mind: to establish a shelter in Stark County and to educate the public about the problem of domestic violence.

The three Founding Mothers never gave up. DVPI opened two shelters, one at the Alliance YWCA in November 1978 and another in Canton in 1979. Both closed due to the lack of funds. When no other shelter was available, they would open their own homes, often putting their own lives at risk. Finally, a permanent location was secured, but DVPI had no funds to purchase the house. Nancy decided to purchase the property and rent it to the organization for a nominal fee. The shelter opened its doors once more in January 1981.

Since that time, DVPI has grown in size and the types of services offered, now operating as one of the largest domestic violence facilities in the state of Ohio. The challenges may look different from 1978, but DVPI has remained true to its mission to, “provide emergency and support services to victims of domestic violence and promote public awareness of domestic violence issues.” Those seeking help may contact DVPI’s 24-hour hotline at 330-453-7233 or dvpi.org.

Julie Donant, CEO, Domestic Violence Project Inc.

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Letter to the editor: Domestic Violence Project honors 3 brave women