Letter to the editor: Dressage dancing horses vs. bronze statue horses

There was a column in Sunday’s Repository called “The Clydesdales: Bud Light’s unexpected brand pooper scooper” (Aug. 6). This column blames “politics,” and then asks us to ignore politics and focus on something else. It says nothing to explain what the controversy is all about.

I would put it this way: Republicans support bronze statue horses, and Democrats support dressage dancing horses. Did Ohio voters really vote against Tim Ryan for Senate, or were they just voting against dressage dancing horses? In either case, the response of Democrats is to say we need more dressage dancing horses. This reaction runs counter to the marketing strategy rules given in the column.

I find it offensive that the writer suggests “patriotism” is for Republicans, and not for Democrats. I would consider the true patriots to be those who would today support the Union side of the Civil War, and not the Confederate side.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis apparently wants to tell us that slavery was a good thing. This should be a big red flag. Actually, it looks to me like a big Confederate battle flag.

When we hear people talk about dismantling the Department of Justice, we should keep in mind that the DOJ’s first mission was to protect the civil rights of Black Americans from the KKK. The way I see it, either you are on the side of the DOJ and FBI, or else you are on the side of the KKK.

From the tea party movement onward, these anti-government groups like to talk about the Revolution of 1776. But what they are really pushing is the Southern revolution of 1861.

Eric Haubert, Massillon

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Letter to the editor: Dressage dancing horses vs. bronze statue horses