Letter to the editor: Election deniers are worse threat than inflation

Republicans are doing their best Chicken Little impression, screaming the sky is falling regarding the economy. Yes, inflation is a problem. But high inflation has happened in America multiple times throughout our history. Inflation is cyclical. For example, in 1980 inflation was 13.55%; by 1983, it was 3.21%.

We will survive this period of high inflation as well. The bigger question is, will we survive the assault on our democratic republic and voting rights?

Election deniers are on the ballot in 48 of 50 states spurred on by evangelical zealots bent on seeing us become not just an authoritarian state controlled by one party but a theocracy with one religion. Their goal is to control the electoral process and thereby the country. All because of the lies perpetuated by a failed president who refused to accept the will of the people.

No matter how many bogus claims of fraud were dismissed by either the courts or multiple recounts, they continue to assail the country with their spurious claims of election fraud and voter restriction laws. If these candidates are successful, our individual votes could be circumvented by a group that could change the outcome of the elections should their preferred candidate lose.

Election deniers are a greater threat to our country than inflation. The economy will survive. Will our nation?

Michael Watkins, Jackson Township

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Letter to the editor: Election deniers are worse threat than inflation