Letter to the editor: European Union, United Nations must help Ukraine

I am fed up with the European Union and the United Nations. The United Nations is all talk with no action. The Russians have put the "butcher of Syria" in charge now — so you ain't see nothing yet. Ukrainian people have proven that they can defeat Russia, but the EU countries will not give Ukraine the tanks, heavy artillery, land-to-sea missiles, patriot missiles unless we, the U.S., backfill their old weapons with newer weapons. Really!

Sanctions will not prevent people being slaughtered; get off your hypocrite backsides and give these people what they need now before Russia comes after you. Do you think China isn't taking notes now when it wants to attack Taiwan? Also, how many of these Ukrainian women and children will be sold into prostitution and other horrible things that horrify me?

Prayer is needed now, along with weapons now. Please, put pressure on the European Union to admit Ukraine right now as a member. Show some guts for a change. China is sending weapons to Russia and Syria is sending mercenaries — oh, but no one can drive a tank over the Polish border to Ukraine? The West has let Putin dictate the rules just like China/Russia did in Vietnam. When will the West learn? War is war, period.

Sickened and disgusted, a proud Vietnam veteran.

— Phil Nader, Plain Township

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Letter to the editor: European Union, United Nations must help Ukraine