Letter to the editor: Focus on the 'can do,' not the 'can't do'

I had an uncle who used to tell me, "Sonny, every time I start feeling sorry for myself, I look around and see someone in worse shape than me." How true that is.

Today, I started thinking about the things I can't do anymore and started to feel bad. Then I thought of what I still can do, like walk (not very far, but walk), see (but now need the help of glasses), hear (but now wear hearing aids) live and breathe every morning (so far – thank you, God), enjoy quality time with friends and family (which is slowly getting smaller every year), sit outside and look at God's wonders like the clouds (remember lying on the ground and seeing different things like faces and animals?) and most important, the love of a great wife and family.

Think of all things you can do and forget about the other.

Harry Krichbaum, Canton Township

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Letter to the editor: Focus on the 'can do,' not the 'can't do'