LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Guns aren't the problem!

Apr. 1—Once again, a deranged person has committed a mass shooting, and once again, the Democrats immediately cry for more gun laws, as usual.

It was an unfortunate and tragic happening, but it WAS NOT the fault of the gun. It was entirely the fault of the "trans-man" ("trans" being a euphemism for "fake"), who obviously had mental or emotional problems. When you look at almost every mass shooting that has happened, the shooter has a history of mental or emotional problems. The gun DID NOT cause their problems. And, more gun laws would not have prevented any of the shootings. As I, and many others, have stated before, there are already approximately 20,000 gun laws on the books in the U.S., and none of them have prevented any crime from being committed!

What I would like to know is why, when so many shootings have happened at schools, why have he schools not been "hardened", as it is called, to make them safer? Why have metal detectors not been installed in every school? Why is not every door in a school building made of metal? This includes the classroom doors as well. And, all classroom doors should be able to be locked from inside.

Also, why was the outside door, in the Nashville shooting, made of glass instead of being solid metal? Glass can be easily kicked in, or, as in this case, shot out.

Further, why are not cops, or armed guards stationed in every school? Banks are protected by armed guards, also politicians. Our kids are of way more value than money, or politicians! Especially politicians. One liberal twit on Fox's show, "The Five", said, concerning armed guards in schools, "Can you imagine how traumatized the kids would be by armed guards all around them?" Jesse Waters replied, "You mean, more traumatized more than this?, referring to the Nashville shooting.

The whole situation is typical of the Democrats. They cannot wait to politicize mass shootings, or any other kind of tragedy, to try to turn it to their advantage. And, of course, blame Republicans and Trump!

The Democrats have no other platform than to blame Trump Republicans, or guns.


Sandy Milner
