Letter to the editor: John Vasconcellos' leadership will be missed

I met John Vasconcellos my first Friday on the job at the New Bedford Whaling Museum. Loyal New Bedford benefactors, Joan and Irwin Jacobs, were coming to town the following week for their annual trip. John had graciously reached out to welcome me and walk me through the details. Walking up Union Street to the offices of the SouthCoast Community Foundation, I could never have known that I was about to meet a visionary leader and true partner.

The concept of John’s retirement did not come as a surprise, but the notion that New Bedford and the SouthCoast will embrace 2022 absent of his leadership is feeling more and more daunting. Long before I assumed my post at the Museum, John had committed himself to lifting the community that raised him. He has significantly advanced efforts to weave together philanthropy, impact and purpose. We have all benefited from his passion and success.

The community will miss John’s dynamic ability to bring people together to solve problems and his ability to see a need and rally the resources. I will miss a colleague and a friend who made me a better leader. There was no better text or call to get than “ya gotta minute” from John. In this season of giving thanks, I know many voices will join me in expressing our deep appreciation to John for his service and dedication; but above all his ability to leave the community stronger than he found it. Boa sorte!

Amanda McMullen is President & CEO of the New Bedford Whaling Museum

This article originally appeared on Standard-Times: Letter to the editor: John Vasconcellos' leadership will be missed