Letter to the Editor: Keep numbers in mind when you weigh WB levy

Once again, taxpayers in West Branch Local School District are being asked to support a levy that will add additional taxes to our already strained family budgets. Inflation, often called "the hidden tax," has impacted all of us, leaving us poorer by reducing the purchasing power of the dollar and decreasing the value of our savings. I find the insensitivity that is being shown by the West Branch administrators unconscionable. This is not the time to ask the citizens of West Branch to pile on more taxes as we struggle to cope with profligate government spending that has left this country $30 trillion in debt.

So what has this to do with a school levy? Well, we have little control over the enormous tax burden that has been thrust upon us. When the opportunity presents itself, we need to send the message that we are taxed enough already. We are all doing with less because of inflation. Wouldn’t it be nice if our local government entities realized this and didn’t attempt to add to our misery? Aren’t you tired of being overtaxed only to have the government squander our tax dollars?

For the past three decades both Columbiana and Mahoning counties have been hemorrhaging population. Fifty years ago, West Branch’s graduation class size was 40% larger than it is today. Have your taxes decreased in conjunction with this demographic shift? Wouldn’t it have been nice if the powers that be would have looked at the data before they built schools they didn’t need on the taxpayer dime?

And just remember, more money doesn’t necessarily mean better schools. The US ranks 5th in the world in public school spending per student. The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2022 report placed the U.S. 25th in student achievement. New York spends almost twice the amount per student ($24,040) as Virginia ($12,216) yet, Virginia is ranked 4th in the country and New York 14th. Ohio also spends more than Virginia and falls 26 spots lower in ranking. It obviously isn’t a money issue.

Jack Loesch, Homeworth

This article originally appeared on The Alliance Review: Letter to the Editor: Keep numbers in mind when you weigh WB levy