Letter to the editor: Language is a marker for cultural slide

While recently viewing a televised book discussion (C-Span's Book TV) held at the American Enterprise Institute, one of the participants reflected upon several former members whose main interest was the decline of "American" (meaning, of course, the U.S.) culture. It is often said that one marker of such devolution is language usage.

Yes, and the ever-more-common use on radio (even network TV) of the phrase "pissed off" and of the word "fart" by second graders at school might be noted here. As could many rap music lyrics and the truncated English used in text messages. What troubled me enough to compose this letter is a current television commercial by a well-known tax preparation firm that features "What the Buck?," and, at the end, "Buck Yeah!"

A local radio station's promotion entices listeners to call in and win "a shipload of cash." Get it? A fast-food chain has been proudly advertising their "Mother Cruncher" sandwiches. Than there's "Kick pain in the Asper-Creme!" And leaving hardly any doubt as to the game is the maker of "Funk no!" underwear and socks.

Noticing a trend here? Charmingly ubiquitous now, as we all know, is to winkingly substitute friggin', frickin', or freakin' for another well-known, low-Saxon f-word.

So. Do we discern from these unfortunately common usages that our country's culture is in a state of decline? Or do we need to add a rise in vulgar expression to the ever-increasing gun violence, dishonesty by many politicians, the loss of nearly 400 local newspapers over the past three years (Medill's Local News Initiative), and everyday rudeness to support the argument?

Cultural decline, however many cases are adduced to assert it, is quite certainly an example of not noticing the gradually warming water until it's too late ... like so many metaphorical pot-lounging frogs.

Jim Walker, Massillon

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Letter to the editor: Language is a marker for cultural slide