Letter to the Editor: Parents, educate yourselves

Parents, educate yourselves

The Michigan Conservative Coalition is fundraising in Michigan with events promoting the message that "our education system is broken" and that teachers are secretly promoting "predatory ideology" in our K-12 education system.

These fundraisers promise a session with "top speakers in the field of parent’s rights." If you are a parent, know that Michigan and U.S. law already explicitly protects parents' rights as fundamental rights, per the Michigan Revised School Code, the Michigan Public Health Code, and the U.S. Family Education Rights and Privacy Act.

Parents have the right to:

  1. Determine and direct the teaching and education of their children

  2. Review curriculum, textbooks, and teaching materials

  3. Observe instructional activity in a class or course in which the pupil is enrolled and present

  4. Request that a student be excused, without penalty or loss of academic credit, from enrolling in reproductive health or sex education

  5. Exempt their child from a particular vaccination.

Public School Boards have written policies about parent involvement in education. So, before you fall for the deceptive claim that parents need more or different parental rights regarding their child’s education, educate yourself.

Beth Freeman

Boyne City

A good time was had by all

Rollin' on the River at the historic Anchor in Marina was on Aug. 16 to benefit the Cheboygan County Community Foundation and its Mission of County Economic Development.

It was incredible and fun and created more river memories for Rivertown.

Many thanks to our hosts Jakki and Dan Ross, incredible volunteers and a community full of caring businesses and individuals that made magic happen on the shores of the Cheboygan and the Black Rivers.

Rivertown Cheboygan and the Inland Waterway through the county are unique in the World. Rollin' on the River celebrated this incredible place and its marvelous people.

Noreen Keating

Chair Fund Development, Cheboygan County Community Foundation

This article originally appeared on The Holland Sentinel: Letter to the Editor: Parents, educate yourselves