Letter to the editor: Parvin has set a great example

Ventura County Supervisor Janice Parvin, left, with District Attorney Erik Nasarenko, presents a declaration commemorating National Crime Victims Rights Week during a ceremony at Simi Valley City Hall in 2023. Parvin is hosting a meeting for a proposed East County family justice center Tuesday evening.

On Aug. 26, 1920, the 19th Amendment was ratified and gave women the right to vote. The Board of Supervisors recently presented a proclamation declaring Women’s Equality Day in Ventura County on July 25 to honor the suffragist movement. Supervisor Parvin dedicated this proclamation to Ventura County Clerk Recorder Michelle Ascension, the first woman to hold the position in Ventura County. She talked about the importance of voting, especially after the fight for the right to do so.

Supervisor Parvin has been in public service for over 20 years. Throughout her entire career she has been an example for women in leadership. Her get-it-done attitude and her desire to give back to her communities are examples of a strong leader. It is clear to me that she is decisive and stands by her convictions. It is no surprise she has been named Woman of the Year twice. In fact, she was once presented Woman of the Year in 2011 by her now colleague, Supervisor Jeff Gorell.

Thank you to Supervisor Parvin for serving as an inspiration for young girls in Ventura County to get involved with local government.

In honor of Women’s Equality Day, I’d like to recognize the three female supervisors, seated next to our strong county CEO. May Ventura County send a strong message to young girls and women of all ages that women belong in influential positions.

Ashley Jones, Simi Valley

This article originally appeared on Ventura County Star: Letter: Parvin has set a great example