Letter to the editor: Protect LGBTQ+ children

Regarding the Sept. 21 article, ''Ohio school board to decide in October on LGBTQ protections for kids,'' I strongly support the Ohio school board protecting all LGBTQ+ kids under Title IX to expand its federal discrimination protections to include gender identity and sexual orientation as this is a civil rights issue.

The fact that protecting LGBTQ+ children is even being debated is surprising and shocking as I can't believe so many people would advocate hatred, bullying, and discrimination of LGBTQ+ minors in school but that's what opponents are doing. I would encourage everyone to think hard about how this looks to LGBTQ+ kids in school who need love and support as it may not be safe for them to come out at home or in their community.

No one should be advocating against LGBTQ+ protections because these children are vulnerable and have an increased risk of self-harm or running away from home if they don't get the support they need.

Please stop the discriminatory policies against LGBTQ+ people in athletics, bathroom access, health care, housing, employment, and any public accommodation as no one should endure hate and discrimination. Stand up and speak out for the civil rights of LGBTQ+ kids because these children could be a member of your family, a neighbor, a co-worker, a friend, and once you know someone close to you who is LGBTQ+ and hurting, I hope you see the humanity in them and afford them the same protections that you would want for yourself.

Nancy Dollard, Lake Township

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Letter to the editor: Protect LGBTQ+ children