Letter to the editor: We have taken God out of everything

I am writing this because a couple of days ago, there was an article in the paper which said, "The rights of every woman in every state in this country to make decisions about her body are on the line."

This was concerning abortion, which is killing and the Bible clearly states thou shalt not kill. When God allows a woman to become pregnant, he has a plan and a purpose for each of them. This is the problem in this country. We have taken God out of everything and think we are in control. This is why our country is in such turmoil.

Do you think you can control when you become pregnant? Do you think you can control when you get sick? If you can't control these, what makes you think you can control anything?

God is in control, and if our country would put him back into everything he was taken out of, our country would quickly change. We would care about each other as much as we care for ourselves. Now, it's "I've got what I need," and no mention is made of others' needs. Please put God back into everything and allow our country to become great again.

Irene Gulley, Canton

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Letter to the editor: We have taken God out of everything