Letter to the editor: Vote yes on Louisville school levy

On Nov. 7, the Louisville Board of Education is asking the residents of Louisville to continue paying a levy that was first enacted 10 years ago. The substitute operating levy that generates $1,835,000 will cost current homeowners and business owners an additional zero dollars.

By voting yes for the Louisville Schools tax levy, residents are simply voting to maintain the status quo. Property tax bills will not increase due to the Louisville City Schools receiving more revenue, because this levy does not raise taxes.

Whenever a school levy appears on the ballot, the Board of Education, as well as the administration, is subject to criticism. Please be advised the Board of Education needs this levy simply to continue the cost of day-to-day operations. Because the Board of Education is frugal, any budget cuts will have a significant impact on services and programs that are available. There is no "fat" in the Louisville Schools budget, and losing $1,835,000 will result in significant and painful cuts.

I agree with those in the state of Ohio who believe school funding is an issue that needs addressed, and I ask, who is to blame? Not the Louisville Board of Education, because they must operate within the laws the Ohio Legislature dictates. Even the Ohio Supreme Court agrees school funding is an issue that needs to be addressed and has ordered the Ohio Legislature to find a solution for equitable funding, on more than one occasion.

The solution? Support Issue 34 and Louisville City Schools on Nov. 7 by voting yes. Next, hold every legislator in Columbus accountable for their support of local schools. Those legislators who are not willing to support our children need to look for a new job.

Dwayne Pawley, Louisville

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Letter to the editor: Vote yes on Louisville school levy