Letter: Fight speeders on all of Montgomery's streets, not just I-85

On Wednesday the 6th of December, the Montgomery Police Department Chief Darryl Albert gave a news conference discussing the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office, the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, and their joint effort to slow the speeding down on Interstate 85. While I applaud this direction, I would like to ask the chief why this isn’t also being done on all the city's main routes.

One can’t drive down any of those main streets without being passed by folks doing many miles over the posted speed limit. Weaving from lane to lane, using no signals and passing even in the marked turn lanes seems to be the preferred driving practices in the city. And listening to the radio, the wrecks every day on all those same roads is rather scary.

Living on one of those main streets, I can say that it is posted at 35 and 45 to 55 is the norm, not the exception. With lights every four to six blocks, speeding gets no one farther than the person doing the limit. The speed goes even faster than that after 9 o’clock at night as the roar of the cars sounds more like a dragstrip than a city street. And the roar is magnified by the loud exhaust systems that these speeders like as they accelerate, changing gears and shaking the windows.

So chief, how about some traffic speed law enforcement in the city?

Duane Mara, Montgomery

This article originally appeared on Montgomery Advertiser: Letter: Fight speeders on all of Montgomery's streets, not just I-85