Letter: A generation lost

Recently, we lost two dear friends. They passed away within a day of each other, and their passing left an empty place in the hearts of many. One was Rev. Ross Spencer, founding pastor of Bethany Baptist Church. Rev. Spencer rarely ever stood behind the pulpit without including this admonition: "Do right - Do right - Do right - Until the stars fall, Do right." "Right" to him was to follow the instructions for living that God has written for us in His Holy Word. The other gentlemen, a long time friend of Rev. Spencer, was Dellwayne Ivey, Sr. Mr. Ivey's parting words at the end of every visit included this challenge - "Be sure and tell someone about Jesus today!" These two gentlemen were raised in a generation of no television, no cell phones, and in an America that held a strong belief and faith in God, and in our country. The generation that produced these gentlemen held the knowledge that men were born to be men, that women were born to be women, and children were a wonderful gift of God. I fear that with the passing of this generation, we are losing ground. Watching our country slowly change from a steadfast Christian nation to a wishy-washy, "whatever feels good" doctrine is heartbreaking to watch. No matter how it is whitewashed, our country has gotten away from its original beliefs. I say a heartfelt thank you to these two men for their stand for the right and the indelible mark they left on many lives.

Sammy J. Jones-Dodson/Lubbock

This article originally appeared on Lubbock Avalanche-Journal: Letter to the editor mourning the impact of a generation lost