Letter: Kudos to Licking County Family YMCA for opening Don Edwards Park to local teams

A text from the Ohio Bison baseball organization announced that the Licking County Family YMCA would be ending their relationship with the ballclub at the end of July. We applaud YMCA CEO Adam Shilling; Youth Sports Director Phil Henthorn; COO Alan Cecutti and the YMCA board for doing the right thing.

I strongly reject the suggestion by some that this is not an “arms length transaction.” While we haven’t always agreed with the local YMCA’s decisions concerning the Ohio Bison, the organization’s integrity remains without question.

The management agreement for Don Edwards Park between the city of Newark and the YMCA states the Y’s mission: “to operate the facility (Don Edwards Park) to provide opportunities to local youth and citizens….” This decision appears to be just that —opening up the park for opportunities for all area 13- to 18-year-old travel teams.

The YMCA has been a vital part of Licking County for over 100 years. This decision demonstrates the Y’s ongoing commitment to youth development and social responsibility. Kudos to the YMCA leadership.

Now it becomes incumbent on all area 13- to 18-year-old travel baseball organizations to work in conjunction with Phil Henthorn as the YMCA establishes an equal access policy to Don Edwards Park.

The Licking County Family YMCA has maintained Don Edwards Park for area youth since 2011, and deserves accolades for their effort and their continued commitment to our community.

Dave Froelich, Newark

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This article originally appeared on Newark Advocate: Letter: Kudos to Licking County YMCA for opening park to local teams