Letter: Lies about race, religion and gender drive wedges into society

A poison flows through the United States, dispensed via internet and TV, packaged with the blithe promise of curing a sick society.

Maybe you’ve had a dose of one of these:

“White people are targets of a political conspiracy that would replace them with people of color.”

“Immigration policies and immigrants are the main drivers of drugs, crime, and disease.”

“The answer to gun violence is to arm more people with guns.”

The carnage in Buffalo was planned and executed under the influence of a poisoned mind. Now, we see yet more insanity in Uvalde, Texas. In this horrible moment, Veterans For Peace reasserts an utter rejection of the carefully concocted, carelessly dispensed poisons that feed fear and division.

In August 2014, a white police officer shot and killed an unarmed, 18-year old Black man in Ferguson, Missouri, part of the St. Louis area. The incident sparked outrage and pushed the city to the brink of mass violence. With our national headquarters in St. Louis, Veterans For Peace found itself in the eye of a storm.

Our executive director at the time, Michael McPhearson, himself a Black combat veteran, was tapped to co-chair an ad hoc coalition for furthering a dialogue to prevent the community’s descent into violence.

The Ferguson incident shed new light on the importance of our work as a veteran-led peace organization. We recognized that world peace is impossible if the communities where we live are at war within. So we adopted "Peace at Home, Peace Abroad" as a corollary to our purpose. It provides a touchpoint for speaking to people about how the interaction of domestic and foreign issues plays into a culture of militarism.

Among the poisons that drive hatred and violence, fear of “the other” stands at the top. This poison is not innate; it is fed with the intent that people be harnessed to fight and kill.

It represents the epic tragedy of a nation founded on land seized from indigenous peoples and developed by the sweat of slaves; a nation where the rhetoric of white supremacy still pollutes the thinking of citizens. The same poison is used in military adventures; the dehumanization of foes is central to war.

While Veterans for Peace does not lead in the struggle against racism, we share a responsibility to confront it, as does every organization that works to uphold humanity. We denounce the lies that drive wedges based on race, religion, and gender.

They are rotting the foundation of the country for which we and countless others have given limbs and lives to defend. They are pushing people to the precipice of despair and violence. And if clear minds do not call them out for what they are, they will lead inevitably to more violence, militarization and war.

Gary May, Evansville

This article originally appeared on Evansville Courier & Press: Letter: Lies about race, religion and gender drive wedges into society