Letter: Milton parent says 'racism is always wrong'

Editor’s note: This letter is in response to a letter to the editor written by Nina Culbertson of Milton in October.

To the editor:

My sons are first and third graders in the Milton Public Schools. In their short lives they have learned that racism is always wrong, and not only are they to never judge another person based on any immutable characteristic but they are not to tolerate anyone doing the same to them.

Despite parent Nina Culbertson's belief there is literally no such thing as "systemic racism." Since the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964, there is no codification into law any practice that allows the federal government to discriminate based on race or color.

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Individuals, however, can be racist and unfortunately here in Milton the MPS administration and some town meeting members believe anti-white and anti-Asian discrimination is okay. In direct defiance of the CRA, the MPS are instituting race-based discriminatory policies, calling it "anti-racism", "equity" and "social justice."

People don't get to redefine words in order to excuse their racist policies. Discriminating based on race is racism. And racism is always wrong. Being colorblind, as MLK preached, and treating everyone equally - NOT "equitably" - is the only way forward. It is what I teach my children and it is what I demand of the Milton Public Schools.



How to submit a letter to the editor to The Patriot Ledger

Please note, our newsroom is currently closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Letters mailed to the newsroom may not be received and reviewed in a timely manner. Therefore we are asking readers to submit their letter to the editor through email at editpage@patriotledger.com.

Letters should be 200 words or less. To give everyone a chance to be heard, we allow one letter per writer every 30 days. Please include your name, town and daytime phone number for verification only.

This article originally appeared on The Patriot Ledger: Milton Public Schools parent addresses systemic racism comment