Letter: Say no to candidates like Scott Wiggam and Max Miller who avoid open dialogue

Letter to the editor
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"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people who have a right … and a desire to know." — John Adams, 1765

I was a teacher of rhetoric and public address for many years who taught students about the art of public speaking and argumentation.

I also coached high school and college students in forensic competition, where they learned to do research, formulate arguments, answer questions, and present arguments before a judge or audience.

The academic rationale was that everyone should be able to defend their ideas at home, in the workplace, or in our democratic society.

Why do you think this is a good idea? What evidence do you have? Why is your idea more effective?

The purpose was not to sound or look good, but rather to present the best ideas in the most effective manner and teach the audience why this was the best approach to the problem. Not surprisingly, a lot of political science and education majors were drawn to the class because they saw this as a useful tool in advancing their careers.

The problem that I see today is that the Republican Party in Ohio has withdrawn from the public conversation.

State Rep. Scott Wiggam failed to appear for the third consecutive timeat the League of Women Voters public forum, and Congressional candidate Max Miller did not even respond to the invitation.

Why are Republicans refusing to appear? Do they not wish to address the voters? Are their ideas not supportable? Do they not believe in democratic debate?

Elected office is a public service, not merely a job or means of professional advancement.

Democrats, such as Mark Gooch, candidate for state representative and Matt Diemer, Congressional candidate, are appearing in public, sharing their ideas, and talking to voters.

How can we trust someone to serve us in office if they will not even speak to us or respond to our invitations?

The voters of Ohio deserve better. Respond to the silence and vote Democratic. Mark Gooch and Matt Diemer are listening and interested in what you have to say.

Dan O’Rourke, Wooster

This article originally appeared on The Daily Record: Voters deserve better than Republican candidates who don't show up