Letter to PNW chancellor: Purdue deserves better


Dr. Keon,

Regarding your recent remarks during the Purdue University Northwest fall commencement, let me voice my shock and sadness that such a learned individual as yourself decides to voice pidgin “Asian” as some sort of stupid joke. I am 60 years old, part Japanese, and Purdue University graduate. Growing up in California, I was subject to such idiocy from people who thought they were being funny and cute. I thought we as a society had progressed from such ignorance since, but you have proven me wrong. My 89 year-old mom is convinced Hoosiers are ignorant, uneducated fools, and you have fed into that.

I urge you to reconsider your decision not to resign and seek another career choice, as it appears educating a diverse student population at a world-class university may not be your forte. If you cannot bring yourself to do this, then I urge the Purdue University Board of Trustees to make this decision for you. We deserve better, and Purdue deserves better.


– Steve Panza, Purdue University West Lafayette, Class of 1994

This article originally appeared on Lafayette Journal & Courier: Letter to PNW chancellor: Purdue deserves better