Letter: Reader says Rosemary Brown has lied about her voting record

It is imperative that women have complete control over their bodies and that we take them for their word and trust them to make choices regarding their own health and wellbeing.

Our elected leaders set standards for our communities. Supporting false narratives about abortion takes credibility away from women, creating a dangerous culture responsible for our maternal mortality crisis. When I raised these concerns to State Rep. Rosemary Brown, she censored me; she blocked me from her Facebook page, which she uses almost exclusively for her campaign, and allowed her constituents to mock me. Rosemary Brown is currently an elected official.

Rosemary Brown consistently lies about her voting record. She says she supports women but she voted 18 times against them. She claims she is bipartisan but she votes with extremist Mastriano 84% of the time. She says she wants to eliminate property tax, but our taxes have only increased during her 12 year tenure. She says she cares about our local economy but refuses to acknowledge the role environmental protections play in preserving our tourist industry. She says she supports women’s rights, but she voted 18 times against them. She says she cares about mental health, but voted that medical waste from miscarriages and abortions must be treated as funerary remains, without any plan to support the women who will undeniably assume the emotional and financial burden.

Vote like your life depends on it, because someone else’s does.

Margaret Hartmann, Cresco

This article originally appeared on Pocono Record: Letter: Reader says Rosemary Brown has lied about her voting record