Letter: Schools should teach true U.S. history

Typing on a keyboard
Typing on a keyboard

I support teaching critical race theory in all public schools in Indiana. I disagree with legislators who are opposed to teaching critical race theory in the classroom.

We need to teach the full history of the United States. Currently, history that is being taught in the classroom is whitewashed and romanticized. I think it is time for all public school students to learn about the real history of the United States and how it was settled and founded.

Here is a small history lesson from me: The United States is a racist country. It has always been a racist country. The United States was founded on genocide of Indigenous peoples and enslaved African peoples. The United States was founded on slavery and white-supremacy. The United States is a colonial-settler state. The United States is a terrorist nation that has terrorized people all over the world and here at home.

Until we learn this and learn from it nothing will ever change in this country. We need to abolish the white-supremacist system of institutionalized and systemic racism in this country.

Brandon Harris, Boonville

This article originally appeared on The Herald-Times: Letter: Schools should teach true U.S. history