Letter: Talk about blinders

Interesting, the article by Carl Fowler January 16. Evidently his former position of English professor makes him an expert on Democrats. I don’t profess to be a Democrat, Republican, or any other political affiliation, but have voted Republican more often than Democrat, until now. I think, however, that maybe he’s a little speedy in patting himself on the back for his mule analogy of the Democratic Party.

He might remember in his wisdom that donkeys produce less manure than elephants. They can carry up to 30 percent of their body weight, while hauling without complaint. He might also remember that it was a donkey that transported the Virgin Mary and her son and our savior, Jesus. Even Juan Valdez chose a donkey to carry his load of coffee beans that we enjoy each morning.

Perhaps ReTrumplicans should learn that elephants recognize how more can be gained by working together than by division or rogue excursions. They might also learn that the most ironic quality of an elephant is how quiet they tend to be. —Frank Murtaugh, Memphis City Magazine, October, 2008.

Mr. Fowler, with his eloquent Marxists speech and more word count than I am allowed, talks about delusion and lies…priceless! Thankfully, I am a retired educator who saw through the shenanigans of Trump and his dictatorial quest. Perhaps it isn’t the Democrats who are wearing the blinders? I’ll take a few mistakes of an honest president any day over one whose concern is only for his narcissistic self.

Maxine Bridges/Canyon

This article originally appeared on Amarillo Globe-News: Letter to the editor talk about blinders