Letter: Those who abuse dogs, SC lawmakers should be ashamed

Re the recent story, "Dogs thrown from truck": Someone ― and probably several someones ― knows who threw those poor puppies off of a truck. There should be a reward fund started to offer money for information. People of that caliber would be willing to tell for money. They sicken me!

As for the South Carolina legislative body, members should be ashamed. They again show no respect for women and their health. Someone called them "old men," but left out an adjective — uncaring — about the welfare of the population.

South Carolina is not held in very high esteem by fellow Americans. S.C. ranks low in so many areas. The legislature should work on real problems, not focus on controlling women.

Nothing will change until we force those in office to do the right thing.

Scott K Witsaman


This article originally appeared on Greenville News: Letter: Abusers of dogs, lawmakers are putting S.C. in a bad light