Letter: Some true discrimination?

True discrimination: My version is this. I'm 88 years old and dumb when it comes to iPads, googling, texting, etc. I have never used the ATM, sent or got a text, or used a debit card. I only use a credit card over the phone when ordering something and pay it five minutes after I get the bill. I don't know what a digital coupon is or a digital deal, etc. Here is my opinion of true discrimination. I have 18 or 19 hairs on the top of my head, but the barber charges me the same as he charges a wooly bully. When I get my toenails clipped, I pay full price although I only have nine toes. I should get a 10% discount. Shopping: A box of cereal is $3.50, but with the digital deal it is $2.50. I don't know how to do a digital deal. Items should be the same price to everyone. This is true discrimination against old people. Thank you and God bless all.

Richard Bowles Sr./Lubbock

This article originally appeared on Lubbock Avalanche-Journal: Letter to the editor some true discrimination to consider