Letter writers offer idea for cutting cost of culvert work, and weigh in on 2024 election

Fish culvert replacement costs can be reduced

The cost of culvert replacement for fish passage required by the Tribal court case is massive. I know how this cost can be significantly reduced: Rescind all environmental permit review.

The new culverts are not only required by law, but they will without question significantly benefit salmon by reopening many, many miles of new stream habitat for spawning. No matter how impactful the replacement action may be, it must be done and there will be a big net gain. There is simply no need for further environmental review by myriad regulators.

I was an environmental consultant for 25 years, so I know of what I speak. All culverts to be replaced have already been reviewed many times by many people from many agencies. That’s why there’s a list of what needs to be fixed. Any further environmental review is simply a waste of time and money. It’s the construction that needs to be done; the biology is over.

Now, I understand most people who get paid to do environmental review will strongly disagree because, well, that’s what they get paid to do. Indeed, environmental review of stream projects can include at least nine different entities: city/county; state departments of ecology, fish and wildlife, and natural resources; plus federal agencies and the Tribes. That’s a lot of payroll impact.

All fish culvert replacements required by the Tribal court case should be granted a Programmatic 404 Permit requiring no further environmental review of any kind. Unnecessary corners need to be cut for the benefit of salmon, and us.

Steve Shanewise, Olympia

Trump’s promise to repeal the ACA should frighten us all

Recent statements from former President Trump on his social media platform, Truth Social, regarding the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are very clear: Despite the success and popularity of the ACA, Trump, if elected for a second term, intends to repeal this vital health care program.

Although he has repeatedly talked about replacing the ACA since 2016, Trump has never delivered on his promise to unveil a superior, comprehensive, cost-effective health care proposal. And while virtually every Republican budget or fiscal plan over the last decade has included repeal of the ACA, when the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office did a detailed analysis of Republicans’ alternative, it revealed that by 2026 that plan would cause 32 million people to lose health insurance, while premiums paid by individuals buying their own insurance would double.

Repealing the Affordable Care Act means higher health care costs for millions of Americans; ending critical protections for people with pre-existing conditions; and millions of citizens losing health coverage and protection against catastrophic medical bills. It means that more of the over 500 rural hospitals currently at risk of shutting down could close their doors forever.

Trump’s Truth Social post should be a chilling reminder of just how much is at stake in November 2024 for all of us.

Lisa Ornstein, Olympia

Washington state is not safe from anti-choice zealots

The recent cases of Brittany Watts in Ohio and Kate Cox in Texas serve as harrowing reminders of the consequences faced by women in GOP-controlled states.

What do you get when you vote for a Republican in Washington state? Look at the record.

GOP legislative representatives repeatedly introduce anti-abortion bills such as these from the 2023-24 session: SB 5098, SB 5172, SB 5185 and SB 5227.

Congressional representatives Cathy McMorris Rogers and Dan Newhouse voted against the Right to Contraception Act and the Ensuring Access to Abortion Act of 2022.

GOP gubernatorial candidate Dave Reichart has a history of voting against healthcare options for women. In 2011, Reichert voted in favor of an amendment to ban all federal funding for Planned Parenthood and to eliminate a program known as Title X, which provides aid for family planning and reproductive health. In 2015, he voted in favor of a bill banning abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. In 2013 he was willing to shut down the government over opposition to the Affordable Care Act.

No matter where you live, our reproductive freedom is at risk. Vote for Democrats on your 2024 ballot.

Madeline Bishop, Olympia