Letters for August 28: On campaign finance, gun control and more

GOP candidates campaign on fear while ignoring significant issues

Unless you completely missed the Republican Primary, what you will hear is fear from the candidates of the Missouri GOP campaign, whether it be for Missouri State Representative or U.S. Senate.

We will hear nothing addressing health care gaps. We will hear nothing addressing the conflict of earnings versus child care costs. We will hear nothing addressing the minimum wage which is essentially a poverty wage. We will hear nothing indicating support for the right of our mothers, daughters and sisters to control their own bodies. Just the opposite, in fact. We will hear nothing appreciating our renewed international leadership role. We will hear nothing addressing the power of big money to buy our elections for their benefit and primarily for their benefit. We will hear nothing ensuring the right to vote is protected for every American. We will hear nothing ensuring the economic future of all Americans is guaranteed, unless you believe in the “trickle-down effect.” We will hear nothing that recognizes the reality of climate change. We will hear no absolute commitment to protect Social Security and Medicare, which the GOP wants to have renewed every five years.

Tax cuts benefiting the rich, terrifying white Americans with “the great replacement” theory, convincing Americans that our history should be doctored to display only the good and ignoring any of our failings, repeating the lie that “Democrats are coming for our guns,” continuing to feed the fear of “the gay,” insisting upon Christian this and that which should compel us to be concerned about our Jewish, Sikh, Hindu, Buddhist, Agnostic and Atheistic Americans. These Americans are just as American as our Christian citizens. And, of course, the “Big Lie.” This is all you will hear because this is all they have.

Fear will never make America “… great again.”

Robert Haslag, Nixa

Gun control and the law-abiding citizen

The phrase that the Supreme Court found most salient from the Second Amendment is: "to keep and bear arms." They, and all assault-weapon fans, conveniently ignore the part about a well-regulated militia.

Since that’s the case, let’s talk about arms. Black’s Law Dictionary defines arms as: anything a person wears for their defense or takes in their hands as a weapon. From Latin: arma — tools of war. Why do Second Amendment advocates scream about being able to own some tools of war but not all? Why are the prohibitions against owning some arms allowable? Why can’t a free, law-abiding citizen own a rocket-propelled grenade? Why can’t a free, law-abiding citizen own MANPADS, e.g. the Javelin anti-tank missile or the Stinger surface-to-air missile.

The list of arms that someone can take in their hands but are not legally available to law-abiding citizens is quite long, as anyone who has been in the military can tell you. You’re not allowed to possess land mines or grenades or automatic weapons.

Glenn Smith tells us that the assault weapons ban (1994-2004) was ineffective in stopping violent crime. Some data does suggest, however, that mass shootings have increased exponentially since the law was allowed to lapse. I’d love his take on why that might be.

Among developed countries the U.S. is an outlier regarding homicides by gun. We’re number one by a factor of four. Most deaths are via hand guns and many are self-inflicted but the problem for Smith remains: please explain why gun restrictions in the rest of the developed world seem to result in dramatically lower gun homicide rates and yet their citizens seem happy, free and well-adjusted.

We incarcerate more people per capita than any other country. Again, we’re number one! Smith claims that instead of weapons, the focus should be on the criminal. I’d like to know why a nation that jails more of its citizens than China or Cuba still has a mass shooting problem at all. How big must that population become before we stop mass shootings all together? Perhaps he can give us that answer.

Smith’s recent letter suggests that it’s law-abiding citizens that are hurt by gun control. His life would be exactly the same today if the assault weapons ban was still in effect. He and his family would not be one iota less safe if the ban was still in effect. No one would have come for his other weapons. It was not a slippery slope. It was simple common sense.

Chuck McDaniel, Battlefield

Interfaith Alliance condemns anti-Semitic material in Springfield area

The Interfaith Alliance of the Ozarks (IAO) condemns the spreading of anti-Semitic literature recently in a neighborhood near Springfield. We urge the community to report activities spreading hate and misinformation. The members of IAO also wish to extend condolences to the families and the Islamic community in Albuquerque, NM following the murders of four Muslim men. We stand united with our fellow religions in expressing love for all of God's people as did He. The IAO upholds and affirms its mission to promote interfaith connection in support of religious freedom, human rights and diverse cultures. The IAO believes that all people deserve mutual understanding, respect and trust and urges faith groups in the Ozarks to love and help each other. In this difficult time, we challenge ourselves and those who stand with us to support and serve those of different faiths, races and cultures.

Carl Haworth and Jessie Janet Gleason Haworth, Facilitators, Interfaith Alliance of the Ozarks

Missouri's finances not in condition to handle tax cut

It is being reported that the governor is calling a special session of the legislature for the purpose of reducing the Missouri income tax. My question is: Are Missouri’s finances in a condition to be reduced? My conclusion is not, for the following reasons.

Missouri ranks 45th in the nation in providing services to seniors.

K-12 education funding ranks 46th in the nation.

Missouri ranks 8th lowest in the nation for child care.

State employee compensation ranks lowest in the nation.

Teacher starting pay is lowest in the nation.

Higher education funding is 45th in the nation

I urge the General Assembly to improve Missouri’s financial responsibilities in all these categories, and then we can consider a tax cut.

Fred L. Hall, Springfield

This article originally appeared on Springfield News-Leader: Letters for August 28: On campaign finance, gun control and more