Letters: Being a pedestrian in Cincinnati is downright dangerous

There have been five fatal pedestrian crashes and nearly 200 nonfatal pedestrian crashes in Cincinnati this year.
There have been five fatal pedestrian crashes and nearly 200 nonfatal pedestrian crashes in Cincinnati this year.

Thank you for the "It's Necessary" cartoon in Sunday’s paper (Oct. 2). Being a pedestrian in Cincinnati is downright dangerous.

I know our police department is understaff, but it would be nice if they could put more time into traffic control. Speeding, red-light running, DUI and other dangerous activities only make for more accident statistics.

Good luck to all who must cross a street.

Joseph Hirschhorn, Mt. Lookout

Chabot should rely on his record, not smear campaign

"There you go again." Ronald Reagan’s words could be used to describe Congressman Steve Chabot’s smear campaigns in his reelection efforts.

In 2018, he ran a smear campaign against challenger Aftab Pureval. In 2020, he ran a smear campaign against Kate Schroder. And here he goes again, smearing Greg Landsman in this year’s campaign.

A veteran legislator with a long voting record should be able to use his record to demonstrate why he is the best man for the job, but Chabot won’t mention his voting record. He voted against funding for the Brent Spence Bridge replacement; he voted against comprehensive relief for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits; and he voted against a cap on insulin prices in private insurance plans.

Other "no" votes include: the Break the Cycle of Violence Act, Mental Health Matters Act, Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act and Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriation Act.

Mr. Chabot, let your record speak for itself.

Stephen Druffel, Clifton

This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: Letters: Being a pedestrian in Cincinnati is downright dangerous