Letters: City elections, thanks for articles and electric workers, EV vehicles, more

Editor's note: The deadline has passed to submit election-related letters for the May 2 primary.

Vote for Donald Griffin for mayor

We have an epochal primary election coming up in May. There is more gender and racial diversity on the ballot than ever before. Equity in America seems right around the corner. I would be happy with any of the candidates who are on the ballot. Of course, I have a favorite because I have watched him grow up in this city and I have benefited from his expertise and commitment to our beloved community.

Donald Griffin is home-grown and home spun. He is a product of this community and represents its best qualities and traits. He is a mixture of town and gown — and has an appreciation for both. That is what is needed as Bloomington enters a new phase of its growth.

Donald’s vision for the city is that of moderated and measured growth, taking in consideration the needs of the industrial, educational, and neighborhood communities that make up the city. Coherent communication and mutual collaboration are needed to accomplish the many priorities facing our community. The city and county need someone who can bring all the sides together. Donald Griffin is just that person.

I am convinced and I invite my fellow citizens to read about and listen to Donald. His sincerity and commitment are undeniable. His passion for Bloomington is what will be needed to overcome the challenges facing the city and county. If you believe in Bloomington as I do, you, too, will vote for Donald Griffin for mayor.

Frank Motley, Bloomington

Choses Susan Sandberg for mayor, Joe Lee for city council

When I bought my small home, the lot behind it was zoned single-family. Our current mayor and his city council followers recently passed upzoning for our neighborhoods. Construction began on this lot soon after. Now there are two 3-story 6-plexes next door to me. This is far from what I was looking for when I bought my house. I had no say in this, no voice.

There was tremendous citizen opposition to upzoning but it passed anyway. We now have a choice before us in the local primaries. Susan Sandberg, candidate for mayor, was one of the few who voted against upzoning. Kerry Thompson has not said where she stands, but she has a number of large developers donating to her. Don Griffin was Hamilton’s deputy and wants to “hit the ground running and keep up our city’s momentum.” He's also a real estate professional.

Susan Sandberg says she’s “committed to protecting the city from overdevelopment, overoccupancy and exploitation by rental real estate speculators.” Susan Sandberg is my choice for mayor. Joe Lee gets my vote for council. There’s lots of information about the candidates in a local blog titled The Dissident Democrat. Worth reading before voting.

Victoria Nelson, Bloomington

Supports Kerry Thomson for mayor

Among the fine candidates for Bloomington mayor, Kerry Thomson stands out. Her leadership skills and experience are clear. She brings imagination, administrative talent and a vision that seeks to unite our community. I write to encourage support for Kerry primarily because she listens to others and seeks to build networks of trust across diverse economic, racial and social class groupings.

Kerry envisions a city where the corporate community, university and schools, health care system and neighborhoods find better ways to collaborate and value the gifts of all. If looking for a person who can see-things-whole and put together the puzzle pieces of Bloomington and our future TOGETHER, I encourage a vote for Kerry Thomson.

Philip Amerson, Bloomington

Five reasons to vote for Don Griffin

While growing up in the Arkansas Delta at the height of racial segregation in America, among the lessons I learned early in life, and have never forgotten, is the importance of voting in every election and for every position, not just in national elections.

The Bloomington community is blessed to have the most diverse pool of candidates ever contending for the position of mayor. One of those candidates is my protégé, Donald Griffin Jr., a person I have watched grow and develop into one of Bloomington’s most engaged citizens and successful business leaders. I support Don Griffin Jr. for five reasons and I encourage other voters to do the same.

Don is a Bloomington native with a demonstrable record of accomplishments in housing and community re-development. He chaired the commission! Second, he has articulated a vibrant and poignant vision for Bloomington that builds on the community’s tremendous assets. Third, as Bloomington’s deputy mayor, Don has worked closely and effectively with the heads of various departments to ensure the delivery of high-quality services to meet the needs of all Bloomington residents. Fourth, he values the importance of communication, cooperation and collaboration and has demonstrated the willingness to lead by doing the challenging work. Fifth, Don believes unequivocally in Bloomington’s future.

I encourage my fellow citizens to vote for Don Griffin Jr. as the next mayor of Bloomington.

Charlie Nelms, Bloomington

Supports Griffin for mayor

I write in support of the candidacy of Donald Griffin Jr. in the upcoming Democratic primary election. Mr. Griffin has served the city well and has much to offer in the coming years. Indeed, his deep affection for Bloomington inspires him to be eager and energized to both serve and lead. He wants his hometown community to be the best it can be.

In his early growing-up years here, Donald may very well have heard the adage (or a variation there of): "a vision with no plan remains a dream." In conversations and the recent mayoral candidates' forums, Mr. Griffin has been passionate in sharing the details for implementing his priorities. An example is the series of steps to lift even higher Bloomington's regional and national profile as an arts and culture capital.

Donald has pointed out that Bloomington can be even more inclusive in important ways. As example, this can mean increasing access to more artistic venues and providing spaces (studios for rehearsal, performances, painting, etc.) to attract and sustain creative activity for all ages.

In sifting through recipes for effective leadership, we overlook imagination too often. In addition to his energy, demonstrated people skills, and affection for place, Donald Griffin Jr. brings much to "the table" with his imaginative proposals (add here affordable housing and jobs) to create and sustain a viable community in this small city in the middle of the Middle West. He will prove himself an effective candidate and a creative, caring mayor. But first things first. Please join with me by voting in the primary for Donald Griffin Jr.

John McCluskey Jr., Bloomington

Thankful for op/ed about lawmakers

Gayle Robbins, I want to thank you for your article titled, "Why are Indiana lawmakers so focused on keeping knowledge away from children.” The issue of lawmakers taking the political war into the classroom is a very real social issue, as multiple harmful bills are being pushed into law currently that would enforce further discrimination and oppression in the school system.

I remember when I was a child, I was taught that Christopher Columbus discovered America. I remember the textbook leaving out crucial details about America’s racist past and inaccurate teachings of America’s history.

Bills like Senate Bill 12 and House Bill 1608 in the Indiana 2023 session push racist, homophobic, and oppressive legislation into the education system. We must contact local legislators and voice our opinions on these bills, persuading legislators to vote against these harmful bills.

The Department of Education reported that in 2022, 88% of parents were satisfied with their child’s education in Indiana. These bills are perpetuated by a conservative agenda. Your voice needs to be heard to stop this harmful legislation from being put into the classroom. Thank you.

Skyler Neuhaus, Bloomington

How will legislators respond to another shooting?

So, another week, another act of domestic terrorism — because that's what the shooting at the Old National Bank branch in Louisville was. Sens. Todd Young and Mike Braun, Congresswoman Erin Houchin, how will you respond to this chronic public health crisis? Pious words? Rhetorical gobblydegook, such as "Guns don't kill; people kill." (Actually, in the more than 150 mass shootings that have occurred in 2023 to date, it's people using guns who kill.)

Is your primary allegiance to the often mindless Second Amendment zealots of the NRA or to "ensure domestic tranquility," as the preamble to the Constitution puts it?

David Szonji, Bloomington

Look at campaign finance donations

As election day draws closer, it would be wise for those not yet casting a vote to look at campaign finance. And, most specifically, at who is donating what amounts to the local mayoral race.

Corporate donations to Kerry Thompson include very large donations from both Blackwell Contractors, and the Indy based Ice Miller legal counsel, who, upon research, displays ‘real estate transactions, including acquisitions and dispositions, financing, leasing and joint ventures’ as some of the services they provide. Other contributions include Cedarview Management, Pavilion Properties Management, and Seminary Square. The total amount the Thompson campaign has accepted from these and similar entities is $32,078.

Bloomington mayor: Thomson raises $100K+, dwarfing Griffin Jr., Sandberg campaigns

Don Griffin has accepted $10,000 from the current mayor, John Hamilton, as well as $300 from TWR II Development, which is the same amount also donated to Thompson. Susan Sandberg did not accept money from such entities. Campaign donations from business is a historic way to gain access, once a candidate is elected. Actions speak louder than words. The candidate not accepting such donations will be the elected official who, especially during the current apartment building boom, listens and responds to members of this community.

Jami Scholl, Bloomington

Supports Susan Sandberg for mayor

I write in support of Susan Sandberg for mayor. Her commitment to basic infrastructure — roads, water quality, and public safety — are much needed, as is her focus on neighborhood concerns.

Just one instance: She was one of only three councilmembers who voted against the misguided upzoning resolution to allow any home in the city to be converted to apartments. But beyond this I am concerned about the role that campaign money is playing in this election. The public record is stark: Land developers, law firms and consultants — many of them based elsewhere than Bloomington — are contributing large amounts to other candidates. Their intentions are obvious: Even here, money buys access, and these corporate interests want to influence local government to their advantage.

Just as obvious by now is the fact that their interests are not Bloomington’s interests. Sandberg has run a grass-roots campaign with modest spending, and she refuses all large corporate donations. For her campaign expenses she uses local businesses whenever possible, and the rest is done by volunteers. I admire her for putting Bloomington first in her every decision. This is the only way that Bloomington can be protected from the destructive policies that have done so much harm already.

Lori Hoevener, Bloomington

Permitting reform needed electricity transmission

We are running out of time in the race to limit climate change. But there is some good news. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Inflation Reduction Act have made it possible to rebuild crumbling infrastructure and develop clean energy sources. However, moving carbon-free electricity to the towns and cities where it is needed requires building new infrastructure in the form of transmission networks.

There are currently enough clean energy projects planned to power nearly 85% of our economy, but 80% of them could be canceled because of insufficient transmission infrastructure. At the root of this problem are complicated and time-consuming approval processes at the national, state and local levels. Years-long delays now block permits to build new transmission systems. The fix requires congressional action.

There is support for permitting reform at the national level among both Republicans and Democrats. But they need to hear from concerned citizens about this priority. Express your views about permitting reform by calling your senators (Sen. Mike Braun 202.224.4815; Sen. Todd Young 202.224.5623) and representative (Rep. Erin Houchin 202.225.5315). Urge them to coauthor and support bipartisan legislation for permitting reform. This will make you feel good for taking action on climate change!

Lee Ehman, Bloomington

Vote for experience with Susan Sandberg

As an organizational consultant with many years experience in assessing talent for large corporations, I ask these questions in deciding to support Susan Sandberg for mayor. Does the candidate have:

  • Experience with a comparable budget? Sandberg has analyzed city budgets (currently $230 million) for 16 years. Big projects with squishy financing — like the Shower's purchase — will fall in the lap of the next mayor. An operating budget of a few million just isn't comparable.

  • Hands-on, relevant job experience? From her council position, Sandberg is directly involved in the many services that the city must provide.

  • Knowledge of people, processes and the network of "who does what" for city government? City government isn't a straightforward organization chart. It's a matrix of departments, commissions, boards and the city council. Sandberg understands how this works and knows the people.

  • Grounding in the issues? Our issues are complex or they would have been solved and are constrained by regulations. Sandberg has demonstrated her extensive knowledge in forums and debates.

  • The courage to take unpopular positions? Sandberg opposed the administration on annexation, zoning, the Shower's purchase and won a pay increase for police. Experience matters. Please vote for Sandberg.

Nancy Hutchens, Bloomington

Questions about push toward electric vehicles

With all the push to switch to electric vehicles, it seems time that someone answer some questions. What is the environmental benefit of driving EVs once electricity generation, mining operations and battery production and disposal have been included?

Since copper is primarily smelted in China, where else can we get it? Same for lithium. What is the plan to tremendously increase electricity generation and strengthen the electric grid to accommodate the likewise increase in demand? i.e., California has brown-outs now. How will they deal with the demand for electricity?

And, finally, how will all this electricity be produced? Sounds like a cart-before-the-horse governmental policy, as usual.

Penny Price, Bloomington

Catholic Charities celebrates 40 years of mental health care

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Since 1983, Catholic Charities of Bloomington (CCB) has provided quality mental health therapy to children, adults, and families. CCB is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. The agency started with just one counselor. Currently CCB has 16 staff members who serve over 500 clients and provide almost 10,000 therapy sessions each year. CCB takes Medicaid, Medicare, most insurances, and self-pay in order that finances are not a barrier for those seeking assistance. It is important to note that a client does not need to be Catholic or financially in need to receive services. CCB looks for the gaps in services and creates programs to meet those needs such as the following:

  • CCB offers many types of therapies to everyone, starting at age 3.

  • CCB has provided trauma-informed therapy for children at Fairview Elementary School, New Hope 4 Families and Monroe County United Ministries.

  • CCB trains 4-6 masters level graduate students from IU School of Mental Health Counseling and School of Social Work each year and hosts undergraduate interns from IU and Ivy Tech.

  • CCB offers telehealth to communities across the state, including Monroe, Brown, Lawrence, Morgan, Orange and Owen counties.

LeAnn Luce, Bloomington, member of CCB Council

Donald Griffin has qualifications to be mayor

All three mayoral candidates are wonderful public servants. However, just because someone listens, managed organizations and is trustworthy, doesn't mean they will make a successful mayor. Just because someone is good at one thing doesn't imply success at something else. Just because they were elected to one position doesn't mean they would succeed at another elected position.

I was a good school trustee, but it doesn't mean I could be a good mayor. I was the president of the local Girl Scout council of 11 counties but that wouldn't qualify me for mayor. Only one served in the mayor’s office, understands the role, the scope, and the possibilities moving into the next era of leadership.

As deputy mayor, Donald Griffin managed city departments and collaborated throughout the community. His vision is managing growth, not denying it. He will use economic tools such as LIHTC and land trusts to create a coordinated community approach to create more workforce and low income housing. He is committed to broadening our workforce, jobs, arts, and community amenities. Donald will not just listen and collaborate as he always has, he will execute. He has the values, judgment and the experience to move Bloomington forward.

Sue Wanzer, Bloomington

Thank Duke Energy's lineworkers for commitment

While most people take shelter when severe weather looms, lineworkers gear up and prepare to head out. They are among the first responders after storms and other catastrophic events, often making the scene safe for other public safety heroes. While their responsibility is enormous, their commitment to the job — and their communities — looms even larger.

Customer needs and safety always come first at Duke Energy, but it’s our lineworkers who are in the trenches — through lightning, wind, ice, and even extreme heat and cold. They work diligently through high-stress situations and the aftermath, including sometimes widespread power outages. If you had a conversation with any of them today, they’d tell you that nothing satisfies them more in their work than helping get the lights back on for their customers.

National Lineworker Appreciation Day on April 18 recognized utility lineworkers nationwide and their commitments to safety and ensuring electricity is flowing for those who depend on it. Please join me in thanking our state’s lineworkers for their commitment to powering Indiana communities and building an increasingly resilient energy grid that can withstand severe weather threats.

Liz Irwin, government and community relations manager for Duke Energy

This article originally appeared on The Herald-Times: Letters: Bloomington elections, thanks for electric workers, EVs