Letters: The Conservatives can’t hide from their disastrous track record in government

From left to right: Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss, Boris Johnson, Theresa May and David Cameron at the Remembrance Sunday ceremony in 2022
From left to right: Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss, Boris Johnson, Theresa May and David Cameron at the Remembrance Sunday ceremony in 2022 - WPA Pool
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SIR – Following the Blackpool South by-election result, the usual Conservative suspects came on air to warn us that voting for Reform may let in Labour, and that its voters should hence continue to support the Government, despite its track record.

I always want to ask these people if they would run a business this way. If they had hired someone who presented well at interview, but who, once installed, proved dishonest, incompetent, lazy, spendthrift and unwilling to carry out any of the agreed work, would they keep on paying that person for fear of hiring someone even worse?

The Conservative Party needs to be ejected from office as a goal in itself, because if it is not, it will not change. This is entirely separate from the question of who replaces it. It will then be up to the party to reflect in opposition on where it went wrong, and return to the electorate in due course with a Conservative offering.

J P Redman
London NW11

SIR – Jonathan Fogg and Simon Warde (Letters, May 2) refer to a need for “real” Conservatives to take over, and argue that too many Conservative MPs are not Conservative.

I am the same age as Joe Biden and have been a Conservative Party member since I was 15. I have been an association chairman and Conservative council leader. My Conservative Party credentials are as good as any.

I confess, however, that I was genuinely ashamed by some of Boris Johnson’s antics as prime minister, and appalled by Liz Truss’s first actions as PM, with her disastrous mini-Budget that ignored the Office for Budget Responsibility. Does that mean I am not a “real” Conservative?

Under our simple majority electoral system, to win an election a party needs to attract a broad spectrum of support. Maybe these political purists want to change the electoral system.

Roy Perry
West Wellow, Hampshire

SIR – Boris Johnson’s arrival at a polling station without proper ID (report, May 3) perfectly encapsulates why the Tories have suffered such a brutal collapse in support. 

His arrogance and entitlement endorse the public’s opinion that the party is far removed from the lives of real people.

Cameron Morice
Reading, Berkshire

Russian barbarism

SIR – Ukraine has endured much pain as a result of the destruction of several of its cities since the invasion by Russia in February 2022. The Ukrainian people have resisted valiantly. 

However, thanks to delays in the provision of ammunition to Ukrainian forces, Russia has been much emboldened, and, sadly, taken more and more territory. What has been particularly disturbing are reports of Russia’s bombing of Odesa, the “pearl of the Black Sea”, which is a Unesco World Heritage site, as well as pictures of the the blaze at a beloved landmark – a law school in a building known as the Harry Potter castle (report, May 1). 

That Russia is involved in the wanton destruction of such a notable building within an area that it claims was part of its historical past is a tragedy.

Paul French
Andover, Hampshire

SIR – Richard Kemp says “Ukraine has only six months left” (Comment, telegraph.co.uk, April 23). Sadly, I agree with his analysis.

There were three possible scenarios for Western support of Ukraine. One was to give Ukraine everything it needed to push the Russians out – of Donbas, of Crimea – and to protect its own airspace. Obviously, this was never done.

The second was to give Ukraine enough to keep fighting but not prevail. This is the option that the Biden Administration and European governments have chosen, thus only guaranteeing that the killing and misery will continue.

The third was to give Ukraine nothing and allow the Russians to overwhelm it. This is the scenario that American Republicans demand.

I happen to be a first-scenario guy, but that leaves me out in the cold.

Frank Natoli
Blairstown, New Jersey, United States

SIR – Zoe Strimpel (Comment, April 28) says the Israel Defence Forces are the most moral soldiers in the world, and my own professional experience suggests she is right. I have taught the law of armed conflict (otherwise called humanitarian law) to quite a few Israeli officers enrolled by the IDF on expensive, detailed and well-established courses, alongside military officers from all over the world, including Arabic countries. These are complementary to their national “in-house” training on the subject. 

It is a complex matter, little understood by most people outside the military, and an army’s inclination to learn and try to practise it hardly suggests a lack of morality.

The cynic in me asks: where are the worldwide demonstrations and campus sit-ins against Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, and more than two years of mass destruction of civilian targets, with huge civilian casualties? This is clearly avoidable, and therefore deliberate and both immoral and illegal, because such targets in Ukraine are usually far away and clearly distinguishable from legitimate military objectives, unlike in Gaza. 

But then, Russia is not the Jewish homeland. 

Col James Stythe (retd)
Pewsey, Wiltshire

A feminist education

SIR – Petronella Wyatt’s account of the sad effect of her feminist education at St Paul’s Girls’ School (Features, April 26) caused me to reflect on my own education in the mid 1950s and early 1960s at my (somewhat less celebrated) girls’ grammar school. 

Many of the teaching staff at that time were single women in their middle years, some of whom may well have remained reluctantly single as a consequence of the dreadful loss of young men during the First World War. Our charismatic (and slightly scary) headmistress was likely one such woman. She was highly ambitious for her girls to recognise the privilege of their grammar-school education, to achieve academically and to have fulfilling careers. 

Doubtless she could be described as feminist, but perhaps of a rather more nuanced kind: she clearly also recognised that many would find fulfilment in bringing up a family, and was emphatic that a good education, particularly for a woman, was never wasted. 

I well recall her telling us during a morning assembly: “Remember, girls, a grammar school education will not teach you to bath a baby; but it will teach you how to learn to bath a baby”.

Margaret Birch
Market Bosworth, Leicestershire

Respect for horses

SIR – On Thursday a horse rider in Suffolk told me happily that she’d never known such courtesy from car drivers, which she presumed was a consequence of the rampant horses drama in London (“Offers pour in to rehome Cavalry horses after rampage”, report, April 27). 

She thought that the news coverage demonstrated that “they’re not fluffy and they can get hurt and can cause damage”. 

Sweet are the uses of adversity, as Shakespeare says.

Brian Emsley
Kennett, Cambridgeshire

Butties without butter

SIR – No wonder this country is descending into mass obesity. Since when did the great British bacon butty require butter? At every eatery I visit, I have to request “without butter”, which gives rise to a quizzical look.

Christopher Allen
Swettenham, Cheshire

SIR – Deb Soutar (Letters, April 21) recommends Aberdeen butteries for breakfast. I’m afraid these are far too salty and dense. A good Scottish morning roll is better – firm base, crusty top – with butter, jam or bacon.

Either, though, is a great improvement on the soft fluff most supermarkets sell as rolls, which have no substance whatsoever.

Brian Barbour
Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland

Capita incompetence

SIR – I am the holder of a current television licence. Yet for the past six years, I have received monthly correspondence from TV Licensing threatening a visit from one of its representatives because it has no record of my address being licensed.

Capita, which is responsible for enforcement of television licence compliance, is also responsible for overseeing the recruitment process for the Armed Forces.

Is it any surprise, then, that young people attempting to join are giving up after dealing with such an incompetent organisation (report, April 23)? It is high time that recruitment offices, staffed by serving personnel, were re-established.

L W King

SIR – In 1956 I attended my local Army office and was advised by a warrant officer of my options. That same day I was tested (educationally), medically examined and interviewed by another officer, and six weeks later began training with the Household Cavalry at Combermere Barracks in Windsor. 

That was followed by three years’ public duty, which I now look back on with great affection.

David Brown
Sidcup, Kent

Precious plates

SIR – My younger brother died in 2010, and, to help keep his memory alive, I bought my father a personalised number plate containing both his and his youngest son’s initials. It was a tearful moment when he received it on his 80th birthday.

Four weeks ago my father was involved in an accident – not at all his fault, but his car was declared a write-off, and before he knew it had been sold by his insurance company to a salvage company.

To his horror, he was told by the DVLA that his cherished plate no longer belonged to him, as the car had been sold without the DVLA being advised that he wanted to keep it and transfer it to his next car.

We had no idea that the DVLA needed to be advised so quickly. Neither the insurance company nor the salvage company thought to mention this. Now my father has lost that sentimental link through no fault of his own.

Hopefully readers never have the misfortune of having their car written off, but if they do, this may help them should they have a cherished plate.

Nigel Lines
Ferndown, Dorset

Traditional tools

SIR – Recently I was cutting back branches that had grown across a path when my chainsaw packed up. For a little while I felt quite frustrated that the job would not be finished. Then I remembered I had a bow saw, so I went back to the house to fetch it, and in next to no time the job was done. 

It is all too easy these days to forget that we don’t actually need power tools for every task. Traditional hand tools will suffice.

Otto Inglis
Crossgates, Fife

A match that rekindled a love of rugby union

A lineout during the Six Nations contest between France and England in Bordeaux
A lineout during the Six Nations contest between France and England in Bordeaux - Icon Sport

SIR – Last Saturday’s game between the English and the French in the Women’s Six Nations (Sport, April 28) was a very welcome reminder of why I have loved rugby union since I was a small boy. 

The end-to-end nature of the game, plus the very high standard of passing, running, support, tackling and commitment, made it a real treat to watch after the risk-averse, mistake-ridden kickfests that have been the standard fare served up by the men over the past few seasons.

Truly, having watched this, I believe the men have to up their games and be more ambitious to entertain if they are to continue to fill stadiums at the current eye-watering ticket prices, when games like this are available at half the cost.

C R Rowe
Liphook, Hampshire

SIR – What a sad state of affairs that the vast majority of the Women’s Six Nations matches were relegated to BBC iPlayer.

Susan Tuck
West Runton, Norfolk

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