Your letters: With COVID-19, politics trumps science; Make-A-Wish offers thanks

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Politics trumps science when it comes to COVID-19

It's revealing how politics shapes world views more, sadly, than the other way around.

Several letter writers have recently praised Gov. Kristi Noem for trying to protect the unborn with proposals against abortion. That might be praiseworthy except for the fact Noem never lifted a finger to protect the already born and here from COVID-19. No mask mandates, no-stay-at-home orders, nothing but silence and over-the-top presidential ambitions that would make Lady Macbeth clutch her pearls in horror and disbelief.

Why this discrepancy big enough to drive a truck through that few South Dakota Republicans are honest enough to acknowledge? Politics, of course, only this time politics as usual costs lives. Turning science into a wedge issue during a pandemic is both brazen and deadly. But from Noem down to our very own equivocating, pro-business, anti-everything else mayor, the buck never stopped because there was no leader sitting at any desk in South Dakota. Just pandering, job-scared politicians who put their own political health before people's medical health.

It's not rocket science. During a pandemic, one wears a mask, one gets vaccinated. Only 56.8% of South Dakotans have been fully vaccinated. Why? Because we were conned into believing the lies of self-serving politicians over the impassive and implacable facts of science.

Remember how the Aberdeen City Council wouldn't even fully endorse wearing masks, much less use common sense, and mandate them? Watching them squirm against basic science was like watching cockroaches flee light.

The buck never stopped in South Dakota. One wonders what Gov. Noem and Mayor Travis Schaunaman accomplish at their buckless desks. One can be certain they aren't educating themselves with a little science, save maybe political science about how to win reelection without putting the interests of South Dakotans first.

Douglass Carter, Aberdeen

Thanks to those who supported Make-A-Wish benefit

Make-A-Wish South Dakota and Montana would like to extend its deepest gratitude to those in the Aberdeen area who supported the New Year's Eve benefit at City Lights on Dec. 31st. Carol Aberle, owner of City Lights, generously donated her venue to be used for the New Year's Eve party.

We would like to thank volunteers Sue Fischer and Bonnie Fisher for their dedication and coordination of this event for over 10 years.

Volunteers in the Aberdeen area spent over a month soliciting donations for the event and spent three days prior to the event preparing, decorating the venue and creating auction baskets.

In addition, volunteers worked to set up and tear down the event until 2 a.m.

We would like to thank those who donated products for the silent auction baskets.

This event was a tremendous success, raising funds to help grant wishes for local children. We want the Aberdeen community to know their continuous support of Make-A-Wish does not go unnoticed and is appreciated! Thank you, Aberdeen, for helping us grant wishes for children with critical illnesses!

Tanna Soukup, Sioux Falls, Make-A-Wish South Dakota and Montana

This article originally appeared on Aberdeen News: Letters to the editor about COVID-19, Kristi Noem, Travis Schaunaman