Letters to the Editor:

A civil or uncivil civilization?

With the midterm election just days away, I have found the news as well as commercials increasingly hard to take in. I have been shielding myself a bit from what has come to be increasingly violent in both action and rhetoric. All the negative, harshness and ugly is too painful and so is my reaction to seeing it. It is all too easy to get swept up and react. Fortunately, I do have a choice and some self-control.

I was curious this morning and decided to look up the meaning of the word "civil." According to the Oxford Languages Dictionary: Civil pronounced: civ·il /ˈsiv(ə)l/ is an adjective and means:

  1. relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns, as distinct from military or ecclesiastical matters. "civil aviation" Similar: secular, nonreligious, lay, laic, laical, nonmilitary, civilian. Opposite: religious, military.

  2. courteous and polite. "we tried to be civil to him". Similar: polite, courteous, well-mannered well bred, gentlemanly, chivalrous, gallant, ladylike, gracious, respectful, refined, urbane, polished, cultured, cultivated, civilized, cordial, genial, pleasant, affable, obliging, decent, mannerly. Opposite: rude, discourteous.It seems that we’re moving further and further away from being a courteous and polite civilization especially when politics is front and center.

If civilization does in fact mean, as the Oxford Languages Dictionary indicates: the stage of human social and cultural development and organization that is considered most advanced. Then, we seem to be taking steps backwards developmentally as one.

It is one thing to debate and disagree and quite another to resort to uncivilized behavior being vulgar, brutish, thuggish, barbaric, savage — all synonyms for the word uncivilized so says the Oxford Languages Dictionary.Each day I have a choice and so do you to do all it takes to be a decent civilized human being and treat other human beings with respect. This seems especially vital as we move closer to mid-term election day. Please be an example, live life with civility — politely and courteously relate to others especially those with whom you disagree! We, the people, desperately need you to!

Jude VereykenPark Township

A mama! Really?

Apparently, in Tudor Dixon’s world, a teenage girl’s dream is to be a "Mama" at age 16 or less. Especially if the baby-daddy is her own father or a favorite uncle.

I was a 16-year-old girl, once, and my dream was of fashion, make-up, prom, cheerleading and graduation.But, Tudor Dixon’s dream for the teenager differs from mine and she must have good judgement or she wouldn’t be running for Governor. Would she?

While we’re on the subject of Dixon’s judgement, in the wake of another pandemic, (and there will be another), if she’s still around, no masks would be required and nothing would be shut down.

That’ll make a lot of people happy and a lot of people dead. Those who survived this one, did so because the rest of us were careful plus chose vaccinations, delaying the virus from mutating for a significant time.Check out the Spanish Flu or any other pandemic for yourself.

Also, study what else is in her crosshairs. For instance, the elimination of teaching of History in our schools so some little white kid won’t be embarrassed for being white. Give our children credit — they can handle it. Just like we did.

Dixon’s judgment is in question again. Don’t let her treat you as if you are ignorant. Make your own decision.

Elizabeth DeWaardHolland

This article originally appeared on The Holland Sentinel: Letters to the Editor: A civil or uncivil civilization?