Letters to the Editor

Why are people turning anti-democratic?

One of today’s great ironies is looking at the extremes of current political thinking. The goals and possible results are quite different. As a thought experiment, the far left wing is promoting a democratic socialism very much like a family with children. Treat them all fairly and equitably, with food, shelter, care, support, and opportunity. The far right would, on the other hand, set them against each other, allow pure greed and opportunism to thrive, and offer nothing but a hellscape of authoritarian and violent social Darwinism.

The choice should be obvious to the reasonable person.

We have met the enemy; they are the “rats” among us, the plutocrats, autocrats, kleptocrats, and aristocrats.

But why are so many good, honest, normally respectable citizens taken in by this conservative, anti-democratic drive towards tyranny? Research undertaken since the rise of fascism resulted in the horrors of WWII shows a common pattern. If a group of people feels the frustration of social, economic, political, or religious changes are to their disadvantage, they become vulnerable to a leader who claims easy answers by pointing to an enemy who has cheated them.

He promises the return of favorable conditions while downplaying the real sources. He expands his list of enemies, and becomes more forceful in eliminating opposition from individuals, the press, or other government or public agencies. He tells a warped history. His followers believe his lies, become more loyal, and even when they are proven wrong, cannot admit it because it would mean they were wrong all along.

One appeal of an authoritarian hierarchy is that while it puts a strongman at the top, it also creates various strata of power where there are always classes of people placed lower down the ladder than you are. That makes it difficult for someone to overcome the resultant feelings of victim-hood and resentment coming from incessant right wing media messages saying that it is a zero sum game; benefits to anyone else are taken away from you.

Such levels of fear can lead to an irrational justification for hateful rhetoric and threats of violence.

Allen Brand


This article originally appeared on Lancaster Eagle-Gazette: Letters to the Editor