Letters to the editor

To the Editor of the Panama City News Herald,

As a director of a childcare center in Lynn Haven for many years we have seen so many changes. Quality childcare is not just babysitting but opening young minds to learning. Watching each one of them grow and learn as new experiences take place is simply amazing. Childcare is like a train where it starts with the engine i.e., the baby room and continues until they leave us to go to school, which would be the end of our train. If one of the train cars is not working right, it stops the whole process of learning.

In the infant room you must use a lot of language and describe objects. Such as colors, shapes, simple counting 1 to 3 and simple songs. It is vital that we start early with language, or they may fall behind. Explaining what you are doing to the baby is also a big help. Diaper changes, nose wiping and playing are some things that you can explain. How would you as person like for someone else to do something to you without asking first? This applies to children of all ages.

With the ones and two’s, it’s a little more complicated and in-depth. In these classrooms there is a lot more to learn such as counting 1-10 and 1-15. Adding more colors, shapes and songs. But you also add in simple rhyming. At 1-2 years, the children will learn to use and understand more words and more types of words. This is again very important because you don’t want them to fall behind. Not every child learns the same. So, you must come up with games, songs, and rhymes to help all the different learners.

Now on to the threes and fours. Through their playing, singing and learning, preschoolers gain skills that ultimately help them learn to read, write, build their math and science skills, and become successful students. Here is where we learn the rest of the alphabet along with the sounds the letters make, counting 1-31, compound words, alliteration, science, math and more in-depth rhyming.

These are all very vital for them to learn so that they are set up for success from kindergarten all the way to graduation and on. The way to help your child develop his or her language skills is by speaking to him or her in longer sentences than his or hers, using real words.

Early Childhood Education

  • Early Childhood Education Improves Social Skills.

  • Early Childhood Education is Linked to Greater Success in Life.

  • Early Childhood Education Gives Parents Freedom to Study and Work.

  • Early Childhood Education Offers Screenings for Health and Behavioral Issues.

Sherry Clayton

Director and Owner, Lynn Haven Early Learning Inc.

To the editor:

Spring break is upon us, and with that an influx of new and returning visitors to our area. Beyond the usual concerns surrounding tourism is another darker side, and that is substance use disorder. Studies have consistently shown that community factors like perceived prevalence of drugs and norms favoring experimentation or abuse, coupled with personal factors like a desire to fit in and pressure from peers are the most important elements leading to substance use.

Whether you are planning to travel this year or scheduling a staycation, it’s likely your tweens and teens are going to be interacting with new kids. Here are a few tips to help keep them safe.

Supervision: Substance use is less likely when youth have supervision and oversight. Know your child’s schedule, where they are going and who will be with them. Pro tip: Spend quality time with your child and their new friends by being the one who supervises them.

Model good behavior: It’s a vacation for everyone, but talk to your children about why you are not drinking and driving or how to enjoy without alcohol or substance use.

Education: With the epidemic of fentanyl-laced drug overdoses, don’t be afraid to educate and warn children about the extreme risks involved in consuming any medication or substance given to them by friends.

A successful prevention strategy for chronic substance use disorder is to target early initiation (before age 17) into using drugs and alcohol. Spring break is one of those high risk times when youth may encounter drug and alcohol use, and that can have profound deleterious effects on their health that can last a lifetime, or sadly, end their life at that early age.

March 20-26 is National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week. You can access lots of educational content to share at NIDA.NIH.gov Have the talk now, and plan for a safe and healthy break for everyone.

Dr. Carolynn Zonia

Healthcare Sector Leader

Walton County Prevention Coalition

This article originally appeared on Northwest Florida Daily News: Letters: Recognizing the benefits of early childhood education