Letters to the Editor: April 29, 2022

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The Alzheimer & Parkinson Association serves Indian River County year-round

Since 1983, April has been designated Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month. It’s the one month where a spotlight is on a disease that affects nearly one million Americans and 10 million people, with approximately 60,000 Americans diagnosed with Parkinson’s each year.

Even though April is the designated month to recognize Parkinson’s, the Alzheimer & Parkinson Association of Indian River County is here to serve both individuals with Parkinson’s and their caregivers year-round.

We are grateful that on April 19 the Vero Beach City Council bestowed a proclamation designating April 2022 as Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month.

Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disorder which affects a person’s movement. Some of the common symptoms include tremors, gait and balance issues, limb stiffness or rigidity, and slow muscle movement. The result is often a reduced ability to perform common, daily activities. Most people who develop the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease do so after the age of 50, but Parkinson’s can affect younger persons as well.

The Alzheimer & Parkinson Association has been serving Indian River County since 1982. Currently, we offer free programs and services which include dozens of programs for those with movement and memory disorders, as well as their caregivers. From chair yoga to aquatic exercises, to dance and singing, plus support groups, our programs are offered beyond the walls of our building and in the community. We value our partnerships with the VNA, Vero Beach Museum of Art, the Brennity, and the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office.

The generosity of our community allows us to offer all our programs free of charge. We are not part of any national or governmental agency, so all donations made here, stay here.

If you or loved one need more information about Parkinson’s, including learning the early warning signs, please reach out. We are here for you.

Peggy Cunningham is the executive director of the Alzheimer & Parkinson Association of Indian River County in Vero Beach.

The Indian River Lagoon is active at the Vero Beach Municipal Marina on April 8, 2022, in Vero Beach. In 2019, the City Council approved recommendations from its consultant Coastal Tech to replace the dilapidated docks and the dry-storage building, consider additional parking and expand from about 100 boat slips to up to 165. The city-owned marina was built in 1968.

Special city council meeting May 5 to discuss Vero’s City Marina proposal

May 5 is a very important day for the citizens of Vero Beach. That day, the Vero Beach City Council will hold a special purpose meeting at 6 p.m. to hash out issues surrounding the proposed City Marina refurbishment and upgrades.

Since this issue is one that has various environmental impacts on growth and our precious lagoon ecosystem, the meeting will be held in the evening to allow a broad section of our population to conveniently attend and express legitimate concerns.

Unfortunately, as is common in today’s info world, there has been some mis- and dis-information put out by various sources. On May 5, interested individuals will have the chance to express their opinion on this important issue. Importantly, it will also be an opportunity for the council and the city staff to listen, respond and perhaps correct any previous misconceptions.

I strongly urge all who can to attend this May 5 meeting. At this meeting civil discourse among our citizens and their city council will take place, showcasing our local democracy. I look forward to seeing, listening, and communicating with you all.

John E. Cotugno is a member of the City Council of Vero Beach.

Florida cartoon: A threat to "family values?"
Florida cartoon: A threat to "family values?"

Florida Legislature passed harmful and shameful bills and mandates this year

In “Jaws 2,” when the residents thought it was safe to go back into the water, it wasn’t, because another killer shark was lurking. Florida’s “Jaws 2” comes in the form of Gov. Ron DeSantis and his school of sharks, the Florida Republican-led legislators.

Just when we thought our rights were safe from further restrictions from DeSantis and his cronies, because the legislative session was over, DeSantis called for a special session.

The purpose of this special session is clear: first, to approve the voter redistricting map created by DeSantis, which will lessen the number of seats held by African Americans, help ensure his re-election for governor and bid for the presidency; and second, punish Disney for picking a fight with “the wrong guy” (DeSantis’ words) by stripping Disney of its special self-regulating privileges of its property because Disney’s CEO had the courage to criticize one of DeSantis’ pet bills, the “Parental Rights in Education Act," or, more accurately, the “Don’t Say Gay Bill.”

It’s important to recap the hateful, harmful and shameful bills and mandates DeSantis and the Republican legislators passed this session: whitewashing of America’s history surrounding slavery by stripping down curriculum and banning books (including math books!), restricting voting rights by reducing voting sites, limiting mail-in voting procedures and redistricting voter maps, banning mask mandates, muzzling teachers’ discussions surrounding LGBTQ+ issues, limiting women’s rights and access to abortion, and who knows what other “Goofy” bills will sneak in during this special session.

During this legislative session, our state legislators did not deal with the real issues critical to Florida’s public safety, health, economy and waters; rather, they pandered to DeSantis’ needs. If this is a harbinger of legislative sessions to come, it may never be safe to go back into the water.

Kathryn Edwards, Palm City

This article originally appeared on Treasure Coast Newspapers: Letters to the Editor: April 29, 2022