Letters to editor: Biden failing; underused COVID drugs; fair pay for teachers

Poor excuse for a president

I recently visited the Reagan Library and the time spent there reminded me of what a strong president looks like: A great communicator instead of one who can barely speak coherently and without mumbling (same goes for our vice president) and a great statesman instead of an administration that lacks respect around the world and here at home.

Worse, our poor excuse for a president is leading us to record inflation levels and fuel prices. He and Kamala Harris are complete failures. The Afghanistan withdrawal, the terrible economy, illegal immigration, and their lack of preparedness for Russia’s attack on the Ukraine are proof of a weak and unprepared administration.

If you voted for Build Back Better, President Reagan would ask you, “Are you better off now than you were 14 months ago?” The answer is obviously no.

Joe Huisenga, Moorpark

Time to catch up to vital approach

Re: your March 2 story, “Life-saving COVID-19 drugs locally underused”:

Dear Ventura, we learned about “life-saving COVID-19 drugs locally underused” through an excellent article by Tom Kisken.

This news should shake those in power to act on the possibility of informing and protecting our population from “chances of severe illness, hospitalization and death.” The need for this information has worldwide consequences yet a sadness that borders on rage that the public did not receive enough information.

Please tell President Biden, there is still time to catch up on this vital approach.

Judee Hauer, Ventura

Teachers need fair compensation

A recent article in the New York Times by Maia Bloomfield Cucchiara, in describing the damage that the pandemic has done to our schools, presents her view that, “Americans fail to take the work of teachers seriously.”

As the Ventura County Community College District begins its contract negotiations with the union representing the faculty of the district, I sincerely hope the Board of Trustees, along with the entire Ventura County community, realizes the tremendous amount of energy that has gone into providing and maintaining, for its students, as much as possible, a safe and educationally rich learning environment, in the midst of all the COVID difficulties over the past two years.

The Board of Trustees should strive to be generous and enlightened, by making sure that the financial compensation provided in a new contract is elevated to the level of commitment that has been demonstrated by the faculty in the Ventura County Community College District.

Michael D. Bryant, Oxnard

This article originally appeared on Ventura County Star: Letters: Biden failing; underused COVID drugs; fair pay for teachers