Letters to the editor: Commissioners should fund WCPS at requested amount

Washington County Commissioners should fund public education as requested

To the editor:

I urge Washington County Commissioners to accept the Washington County Public Schools' recommended 2024 budget, rather than go with the funding at the "maintenance effort" level the commissioners are currently proposing.

For too long, the Board of Commissioners has resisted funding public education in our county higher than at the minimum mandated by state law. This is not the way to support our growing community and population. Not only does WCPS need their requested funding due to inflation, post-COVID student needs, and to enact the "Blueprint for Maryland" education plan, but county investment in public education means investing in prospective homeowners and businesses, which produce more revenue as well as a more educated, productive citizenry.

Paulette LeeHagerstownChair, Freedom Learners CommitteeUnited Democrats of Washington County

Hagerstown City Council shouldn't ask for money from Washington County taxpayers

To the editor:

I saw in The Herald-Mail on Feb. 17 Hagerstown City Council members are starting to put their hands into the local taxpayers' pockets to help pay the bill for the new sports and event center's parking deck. They are going to ask the county commissioners (local taxpayers) for $1.6 million. Are they asking for a "give me" or a loan?

Councilman Bob Bruchey said, "(The county is) going to benefit as much as the city of Hagerstown benefits." The event center is a private investor, and a city project, not a county project. The county has their own projects to do and not enough money for them.

Is the city council going to ask the commissioners for money for every problem the event center has or if they can't pay their bills?

Related:The Antietam Street parking deck plan came in over budget. How is the city cutting costs?

I can see problems on the horizon, such as lighting and noise pollution, traffic congestion, backups and control. Maybe water and sewer system upgrades.

The question I would like answered is, what is the real hidden reason the center was put in the location they are putting it, instead of out on the edge of town somewhere?

Charles Miller Boonsboro

Abortion is violence and should be opposed

To the editor:

The media are awash with anti-violence sentiment — anti-gun, anti-police, anti-gang.

Conspicuously missing is the most debased of all. Abortion is a hideous, inhuman violence perpetrated on the completely innocent and defenseless.

Instead of protecting everyone's right to life, some of our lawmakers promise to protect the act of violence that mercilessly takes the life of a child.

The hypocrisy must not be overooked.

Please contact our governor and members of our legislature to oppose the pro-abortion bills slated for this legislative session.

Diane Eves Hagerstown

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This article originally appeared on The Herald-Mail: School system deservers more money; Hagerstown shouldn't ask for cash