Letters to the editor: Debate revealed best candidates; backing Bill-de la Peña

Choices are clear after debates

Many thanks to the Ventura County Star, the Ventura County League of Women Voters, and the American Association of University Women for sponsoring the two debates on Sept. 28 at Thousand Oaks’ City Hall.

The debate between Jeff Gorell and Claudia Bill-de la Peña was one of stark contrast. Gorell is clearly beholden to the interests of large government unions, the oil and gas industry, and the real estate development industry. While Gorell is in denial on that point, all one has to do is look around, you will see his signs and advertisements everywhere, a very expensive undertaking.

Bill-de la Peña’s campaign, on the other hand, does not accept any special interest money. Those who accept political campaign money are expected to reward their donors. Gorell will be obligated to pay back his debts, putting the interests of his paymasters ahead of the citizens of Ventura County.

Bill-de la Peña seeks to emulate the policies of Steve Bennett and Linda Parks, as she emphasized public health, public safety, maintaining open space (SOAR), addressing the homeless, advocating for our rising biotech industry and supporting affordable housing initiatives.

As for the 10 Thousand Oaks City Council candidates, bless them all for their efforts. Two candidates clearly stood out in a positive way: Anoiel Khorshid and David Newman. These two candidates are very passionate about maintaining the high quality of life here in Thousand Oaks and are not accepting monetary support from special interests. Both Khorshid and Newman are very articulate, thoughtful, and respectful, so necessary in current times. There are several other candidates who are worthy of a council seat yet would not be quite as effective as both Khorshid and Newman.

George L. Ochs, Thousand Oaks

Bill-de la Peña puts county first

Do you value independent decision making? Decisions based on a community's best interests, not special interests? Do you admire an elected who digs in, does the work and has established a track record of fair and balanced accomplishments for Ventura County? Someone who has a deep knowledge of the challenges we face and who will tackle them un-influenced by Big Money donations?

If so, check out Claudia for Supervisor at www.claudiabilldelapena.com.

Claudia Bill-de la Peña has lived and worked, boots on the ground, listening to and fighting for residents for decades. As a planning commissioner, city councilmember and mayor of Thousand Oaks, years of commitment, Claudia has prioritized and supported public safety and the full funding of police and fire services.

To address homelessness, Claudia was the first to recognize and push for a city committee to focus on homelessness in Ventura County. Not only is Claudia fiscally conservative, she is savvy, negotiating nearly $30 million in pension restructuring while maintaining all current benefits. Responding to the frustration of small business owners, she worked to cut red tape and increase support. And so importantly, Claudia always steps up to protect our Ventura County open spaces.

It’s no secret that large corporate contributions help pay for big signs and cozy, insider relationships. Claudia has not, and will not, take contributions from developers or the oil and gas industry. Claudia will not be bought. If you want an independent decision maker with a proven, local track record, a Supervisor that will put people’s health, safety, prosperity and our unique Ventura County quality of life first and foremost, vote for Claudia.

Merrill Berge, Camarillo

This article originally appeared on Ventura County Star: Letters: Debate revealed best candidates; backing Bill-de la Peña