Letters to the Editor: Don't use tax dollars to fund private interests

Don't use tax dollars to fund private interests

On Monday, Nov. 20, the Adrian City Commission heard a presentation from Citizens Gas in regard to what will amount to a 6% annual gas rate increase for Adrian residents to fund infrastructure improvements to properties outside of the city of Adrian.

Citizens Gas is proposing to install a high-pressure regulator station on Tipton Highway and increase an existing 6-inch line to a high-pressure 8-inch gas line that is specifically designed to support needs in the northwest part of Lenawee County and this has nothing to do with Adrian residents. The only thing that this does is support the relocation of businesses, hospitals and single-family homes further north and outside of the City of Adrian.

Citizens receives its gas from a southern supplier and the proposed higher-pressure gas line will allow Citizens Gas to expand their business model further north, increasing their customer base using our tax dollars.

Growth and expansion go hand in hand so I do not have any issues with Citizens' desire to expand their customer base, but at what and whose cost?

My concern and the concern of every city of Adrian resident should be that the Adrian City Commission is being asked to fund this growth with our hard-earned tax dollars through a rate increase. What makes this an even bigger slap in the face is that the city is additionally working to remediate contaminated soils at the former Citizens Gas Race Street location and this is the opposite of good corporate citizenship.

I encourage all Adrian residents to contact the mayor and city commission. Tell your elected officials that we do not want to fund gas line transportation expansion outside of the city and that this $20 million project should be funded by a rate increase or a special assessment district specific to those properties that will benefit from this 8-inch high-pressure gas line. Furthermore and to add salt to the wound Citizens should be contributing to the Race Street cleanup.

Ken Tokarz


Doctor shares stories, wisdom

It’s not too late to pick up a very special gift for the holiday season. Dr. Gordon Guild practiced in Tecumseh for many years before retiring to Tennessee to be near his family. But while he is retired, he is not resting! When not making house calls or doing foreign medical/ evangelism work, Dr. Guild enjoys time with his wife Carol, his four children and 11 grandchildren. He has written a great little book that can be enjoyed by all. It is a series of light-hearted vignettes from his childhood, paired with homilies and solid moral lessons. It is a very entertaining read, and we highly recommend it.

Dr. Guild continues to conduct medical missions worldwide, spreading health care and his love of God to the less fortunate. An additional benefit of this book is that all of the proceeds go to further his work with missions. Please check out “The Adventures of Freckles: Life Lessons from a Mischievous Son of Canada,” available in paperback on Amazon. It’s a great read, and would make a perfect gift.

If you were fortunate to have Dr. Guild as your doctor, this book is especially endearing. But even if you never knew him, you would be better off having read the book. Please consider it!

Dale and Nancy Chadderdon


The Republican debate in the Land of Oz

The Republican debate was like watching "The Wizard of Oz.” Playing the Cowardly Lion was Ron DeSantis who fears parents and teachers, and Disney ... OH MY! DeSantis continues to engage in LGTBQ fearmongering. He calls out teachers for “grooming” children, adults who want to lower the age of consent, parents who allow and encourage it and Disney for endorsing it. He wants you to worry about boys using girls’ bathrooms and playing girls’ sports.

Vivek Ramaswamy shined as the “Tin Man,” trying to look tough and wield a big axe. He vowed to fight the “Deep State” claiming that “Big Tech” stole the 2020 election. He will confront the “Climate Change Hoax” and protect Whites from “Replacement Theory." He claimed that Nikki Haley is corrupt and attacked Chris Christie for being overweight. His words rang hollow, and he seemed to have no heart (compassion).

Chris Christie filled the role of the “Scarecrow," not because he lacks intelligence. He has a brain, he just has a hard time making it up. The man who once endorsed Donald Trump is now his worst enemy. He was the only one to talk about the “Elephant NOT in the Room” and referred to him as Voldemort — “He who should not be named” from Harry Potter. What will he think six months from now?

Stealing the show was Nikki Haley starring as “Dorothy," the only real person in a land of fantasy. The difference between her and the other three was striking. She really did seem like the only adult in the room. Even Christie gave her credit calling her “a smart accomplished woman” when Ramaswamy hurled one of his many insults.

Maybe she can get past all the “smoke and mirrors” to expose Donald Trump as the “Phony Wizard” and win the Republican nomination.

Randall Rousselo


Some 'head-scratchers' to ponder

Over several years, I often have thought about expressions that should, in some cases, leave us scratching our heads.

Have you ever wondered why:

  • We say last night rather than yesternight, but we say yesterday?

  • A slim chance and a fat chance can be the same?

  • We raze a building (tear it down), but we raise a point (bring it up)?

  • Rush hour is really a slow hour?

  • Slow up and slow down are the same?

  • After dark is really when it’s dark?

  • Backyard is one word, but front yard is often two words?

  • We change the subject in a conversation after saying “Not to change the subject,. . .?

  • A certain defense in football is called a prevent defense?

  • A softball is hard?

  • We say, “To be honest with you?” Haven’t we been honest?

If you think of any “head-scratchers” similar to these, please let me know.

Don Kleinsmith

Professor Emeritus, Adrian College

This article originally appeared on The Holland Sentinel: Letters to the Editor: Don't use tax dollars to fund private interests