Letters to the editor: Echoes of Thurston High School shooting

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Unrelenting pressure

In 1998 I was one of the many responders to the Thurston High School shooting. Visions of that day haunt me. Springfield’s fire marshal, one of his captains, myself and others formed The Ribbon of Promise. The goal was to educate school boards and administrators, teachers, students, parents, police, city officials and staff and communities.

Some of you may remember the presence of blue ribbons throughout the Eugene/Springfield area. It instilled the belief that “telling is not tattling” and resulted in numerous anonymous hotlines that saved lives. If kids can make a difference, how can adults throw up their hands and turn away?

People call for politicians to take serious, dramatic, legislative action to move toward gun safety. Amen! This is not a call to end the Second Amendment, but simply to create a common sense, workable document that provides for the freedom to bear arms with necessary restrictions and the enforcement of laws.

The majority of gun owners support gun legislation. We can do this! We owe it to our children!

Let’s get involved by applying unrelenting pressure to legislators to act on this issue. Let’s save lives!

Fred Merten, Eugene

Mass shooting insurance

I keep waiting for someone to show that they understand this.

We are told that there are more than 300 million guns in the USA. Who imagines that anyone could control that?

However, since guns can do nothing without ammunition, it is logical to start with a solution, unrelated to the Second Amendment, that would provide a fair share of responsibility for gun owners. Insurance and taxation are everyday solutions similar to what we do for cars and drivers. If the number of shootings doesn't fall, then the insurance and taxes rise and continue rising until body counts start to fall. Gun victims and their families would be automatic beneficiaries.

Spencer Doidge, Eugene

Not an either-or debate

At his news conference shortly after the school shooting in Texas last week, Gov. Greg Abbott dismissed the need for new gun regulations and blamed mental health issues instead.

He is far from the only GOP politician to argue against gun control by blaming a mental health crisis. It’s important to acknowledge the vast majority of those who suffer from mental illness never become violent and are more likely to victims of violence themselves.

That doesn’t mean Abbott’s statement isn’t partially true. There is a mental health crisis in this country and it is a part of this issue. The irrational part of the governor’s statement was when and how it was used.

This is not an argument that should be accepted to dismiss gun control, it is an argument for better gun restrictions. Improving access to mental health services is difficult and takes an investment of time and people. No community has ever done it perfectly.

This should not be looked at as an either-or debate, which it seems Abbott and others want to make it. Improving access and the quality of mental services and gun control are both needed.

Philip Shackleton, Eugene

Letters should be 200 words or fewer and sent with the writer’s name, address, and daytime phone number via e-mail to rgletters@registerguard.com. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and maybe published in any medium. We regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter.

This article originally appeared on Register-Guard: Letters to the editor Echoes of Thurston High School shooting