Letters to the editor: On the election

These letters published in the Oct. 9, 2022 print edition of the Las Cruces Sun-News.

Put issues over party

I have doorbelled a few thousand doors this election cycle. I am finding two groups that really bother me the most and that I feel identify why we are in such a mess. The ones that only vote straight Democrat and the ones that only vote straight Republican. Now I am no issues specialist by any measure but as I engage with these two groups I find them unable to articulate the “why" in any rational conversation based on the less or more desirable states of our nation, state or community. Their whole method of decision-making is based on red or blue.

In New Mexico maybe this has something to do with our state slogan on the type of chile sauce one likes on their enchilada, red or green?

In a country that was set up to be overseen by the people it was assumed, I guess, that the people would put in the effort to be accurately informed. Obviously, this is not the case, as in NM I have found good red and good green enchiladas but I establish that by actually tasting them and by not letting the R or G on the menu (R or D on the election ballot) decide for me.

Rob Wood, Las Cruces

GO bond 'yes' vote can combat housing shortage

Public and fiscal policy in the U.S. has long recognized the importance of housing. Home ownership, in particular, has been viewed as strengthening the attachment of residents to their community and an important tool in building family wealth since a well-maintained property may grow in value over time. Home owners paying income taxes benefit from the deductibility of interest on a home mortgage and from special tax treatment of capital gains resulting from the sale of a primary residence. Both of these tax policies enhance the ability of home purchasers to afford housing. That is, they can afford better housing than in the absence of this special treatment.

In the Las Cruces area, as elsewhere, there is a significant shortage of housing for low and moderate income households, including young workers, seniors, veterans, and single parents. Use of the city’s general obligation (GO) bonds to fund affordable housing is another way in which the public can support those seeking better housing options. GO bonds can provide low-interest, flexible funding to build more entry-level single-family homes and attractive affordable missing-middle and multi-family housing. Vote yes on the city’s GO housing bond to ensure our residents have a home.

Jane Asche, Las Cruces

Another term for Herrell? We vote no

Talking to my friend Steve Sans we agreed that it was time for a Yvette Herrell performance review:

Within a week of taking office, Herrell violated her oath to protect the Constitution by voting against certification of Arizona’s electors.

The Cares 2 Bill puts money in the hands of New Mexicans, many suffering from layoffs or job loss and small business owners closed to due to COVID. This bill also provided free vaccines and boosters to all who wanted them, Herrell voted No.

She also voted against the Voting Rights Act, when everyone’s voices are heard, we have a stronger Democracy!

The bipartisan infrastructure bill gave NM $3.7 billion for road and bridge repair, cleanup of abandoned oil wells, improvement to water infrastructure, provided funds for electric car charging stations, only some of the provisions, Herrell voted No.

Legislation to prevent pharmaceutical companies from gouging Americans on insulin, Herrell voted No.

Emergency appropriations to address the infant formula shortage, Herrell voted No.

Bipartisan, common sense gun legislation, Herrell voted No.

The Inflation Reduction Act, Herrell voted No.

This is how Herrell cares for New Mexicans and their families? We in southern New Mexico want a representative that understands who we are and what we want: Vote for Gabe Vazquez!

Elisa Sánchez, Las Cruces

Elect Gabe to congress

Space allocated to letters to the editor, does not give me a recital of the abilities and accomplishments of Gabe Vasquez, congressional candidate for District 2.

My first vote for Vasquez in 2017, was as a city councilor for District 3 – my district. As a former city councilor and mayor pro-tem I knew the duties and hoped for the best. He did not disappoint me. He did his homework and was always well prepared for the lengthy council meetings covering every subject imaginable.

Gabe is a first-generation American who grew up in the borderlands and the first in his family to be born in the United States. Growing up, Gabe lived on both sides of the border and spent much of his time in his grandfather’s TV repair shop in the Chaveña Neighborhood of Ciudad Juarez, so of course he is bilingual. Little did he know when he was working with his grandfather that speaking both English and Spanish fluently would be useful as a defender of human rights in NM 02, a majority Hispanic district. With Gabe’s background and culture, he already has plans on how he will “continue to grow and enrich our communities with economic growth, culture, traditions, language and more.”

In 2017, he was elected to the Las Cruces City Council with over 70 percent of the vote. I respectfully ask that we do this again on Nov. 8.

Dolores C. Archuleta, Las Cruces

Ronchetti neither leader nor administrator

A few years back, friends in El Salvador were making fun of 20somethings there, calling them “Ni Nis.” Nee-Nee in Spanish means neither/nor. In that context, the youngsters were “Neither studying Nor working.” With Mark Ronchetti, we have a Ni-Ni: Neither Leader Nor Administrator.

His campaign website posts a tissue-thin personal, professional or volunteer history, something that typically should highlight leadership or administrative experience. (His campaign press office opened my email queries regarding Ranchette’s background but failed to respond.)

There is no evidence Ronchetti has ever held any position other than being a TV reporter and weatherman. Nothing about his PTA or church activities. Nothing describing any community or professional organization efforts. Nothing but being a chief weatherman generating statewide facial recognition before becoming an aspiring politician.

The governor of New Mexico is called upon to be a leader for all New Mexicans and to be the chief administrator of 24 major state agencies and dozens and dozens of agency sub-divisions and commissions along with hundreds of paid and volunteer employees.

The governor’s office is not a trainee position for a newcomer lacking experience in leadership, administration, and multi-layered collaborative management.

Mark Ronchetti does not have the broad and deep skill set to be governor. He is simply another Ni Ni.

Tom Johnson, Santa Fe

Plans of Care coordinate quality care

The federal Comprehensive Addictions and Recovery Act (CARA) requires states to report the number of babies born exposed to addictive illegal and legal substances and the number of babies who received a plan of care. The NM law passed in 2019 initiated plans for: creating support to encourage pregnant people to seek help rather than avoid care; decreasing the number of children experiencing abuse and neglect by supporting mothers and infants; coordinating hospitals, health care providers for mothers and infants, home visiting and early intervention programs efforts; connecting mothers with substance use and mental health care treatment; and providing care coordination and navigation to the families with a Plan of Care.

From 2020-2021, NM hospitals created over 2,300 Plans of Care with 90 percent of families receiving Medicaid that includes care coordination for mothers and infants. The rest were offered care coordination through Children’s Medical Services. Families most often accepted and engaged with home visiting and early intervention services for children with or at risk for developmental delays. Families can receive program services up to age three, providing long-term continuity and support.

The evaluation efforts have identified strongly positive trends, with better outcomes for those receiving services, but there is more work to be done. Future efforts will focus on connecting pregnant people with services earlier in pregnancy, improving the Plan of Care notification process, identifying babies who need a plan of care and did not receive one, and increasing the percentage of families engaged with early childhood programs.

David Scrase, MD, acting secretary for the New Mexico Department of Health, Santa Fe

More letters to the editor:

This article originally appeared on Las Cruces Sun-News: Letters to the editor: On the election