Letters to the editor: Eugene and natural gas, Snake River dams and Supreme Court decisions

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Integrity and knowledge

In her attack on Dr. M. Reza Behnam, Erica Lyon (Letters, Aug. 10) uses the same specious arguments that one reads daily in news reports and opinion pieces about Israel.

First, the canard that Israel is the “only functioning democracy in the Middle East.” Israel holds millions of Palestinians virtual prisoners in the West Bank and Gaza with no right to vote in its elections, so it is a democracy that only functions for its European settlers.

Second, Israel’s “right to exist.” No other nation asserts a right to exist and the when Israel uses that term, it means they demand the right to be a Jewish state where non-Jews are treated as second-class citizens.

Virtually all news stories and opinion pieces about Israel and Palestine are told from a pro-Zionist perspective, so anyone wanting a nuanced view of the situation needs to read articles like those by Dr. Behnam to balance the pro-Israel propaganda.

I commend The Register-Guard for publishing Dr. Behnam’s work and applaud his brave voice on behalf of freedom and justice for the Palestinian people. Eugene is lucky to have someone of his integrity and knowledge.

Charles Dunaway, Portland

Moral authority is high

Erica Lyon (Letters, Aug. 10) questions the moral authority of M. Reza Benham. In fact, his moral authority is high, because he writes from his area of expertise, holding a PhD in Middle East studies, and because he writes from the facts instead of from what our government would like us to believe.

Ms. Lyon wonders why it is sometimes asked whether Israel has a right to exist, and the same question is not asked about Palestine. That is because it was Israel who invaded Palestine in 1948, and not vice versa, and because of the brutal suppression by Israel of the Palestinian people.

I am grateful that The R-G continues to publish the writings of M. Reza Benham.

Margaret Brye, Eugene

Much ado about the Lower Snake River Dams

I’d like to commend the City Club of Eugene for hosting the panel that presented all sides of the discussion on removal of four Lower Snake River Dams. The panelists included Shannon Wheeler of the Nez Perce Tribe, Todd True of Earthjustice, Nancy Hirsch of NWRAP and Kurt Miller of NW RiverPartners.

Of all the panelists, Miller made several provocative claims:

1. The LSRDs are paid for and only require maintenance. In fact, the four old dams will need new turbines.

2. A highly scientific report was politically motivated. Fact: The highly respected National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration just issued a report based on fish data over 20 years, that the four LSRDs must be removed immediately to prevent total salmonid extinction in the Lower Snake.

3. If hydropower is removed, billions of dollars in costs will be passed on to the ratepayers. Hydropower is considered an important component of any renewable portfolio along with wind and solar energy. Several renewable energy entities are ready to take up the slack from removal only of inefficient dams. The Nez Perce have developed a mini grid with a 500 MW capacity via a Tesla Power Wall.

No one is advocating for hydropower to be removed.

Su Libby, Eugene

Canceling natural gas a bad move for residences

According to a recent report from the Good Company, Eugene’s residences contribute approximately 11% of Eugene’s total carbon emissions, with transportation contributing 53%. Yet there is a marked push to eliminate natural gas for residents as an option for heating, air conditioning and cooking. While making moves to decarbonize emissions is a worthy goal for future generations, the near-term push to eliminate natural gas as an option for residential homes seems disproportionate.

In 2016, Eugene experienced the worst ice storm on record. More than14,000 residences were without electrical power for days, and in some cases, weeks. Our home had no electricity for six days when nearby power lines snapped under the weight of the ice. Our gas insert and a gas stovetop allowed us to stay in our home instead of moving to a hotel or storm center. In addition, the Holiday Farm Fire in 2020 destroyed more than 700 buildings and left entire communities without electricity or power for weeks. Keeping energy options for residences in the near term, given that 74% of Eugene’s emissions come from transportation, industrial and commercial sources, would seem a prudent option.

Paul Hoobyar, Eugene

When imperfect people make mistakes.

Jerry Weise, that was a great letter (Letters, Aug. 3) about police putting their lives on the line so that you can have a great life.

We have to admit that no matter how hard we try, we will unwillingly make mistakes. That's why doctors have insurance, to protect us from unwilling mistakes. It’s time for the police officers to have the same protections, too.

When you go to work as a plumber, what is the only possible mistake you could make during your plumbing hours? Plumbing mistakes.

Look at the full person. When you do, you’ll say, “Yeah, I wouldn’t have wanted to go to jail for years by an innocent mistake.”

We’re imperfect people and we need to be judged by our totality. We all need it.

Bill Northrup, Eugene

Other Supreme Court decisions

The Supreme Court has just ruled that the state of Oklahoma, and not the Indigenous tribes of the state, should have jurisdiction in cases presently being handled by the tribes themselves.

This decision reverses what the Supreme Court decided in March 1832 when some southern states sought to expel Indian tribes from their state for the state’s economic benefit.

However, then President Andrew Jackson, undermined this decision by stating that the Supreme Court's decision must be enforced by the Supreme Court. As the high court had no means of enforcement, the states went ahead with the removal, resulting in the disgraceful Trail of Tears.

I have not seen any discussion of this case in The R-G, despite having covered a number of other Supreme Court decisions, i.e. overturning Roe v. Wade. NPR devoted a lot of time to the issue of state rights vs. the sovereign rights of the tribes.

It appears that the Supreme Court’s decision in this case is unconstitutional because it is inconsistent with the 1832 ruling. The prior ruling was based upon recognition that the tribes are sovereign entities and therefore the U.S. can’t act against the interest of the tribes.

Dennis Shine, Eugene

Words on paper

What is the Constitution or the Bill of Rights?

It is said, that, “We hold these truths to be self-evident."

But what if in America today, they no longer are?

What if these words that we claim to cherish, are ignored, or held in disdain,

Or corrupted for self-serving purposes?

What if many Americans simply don’t care anymore?

What if fear and hatred and violence have replaced the ideals of, “We the people”?

Well, then we, as a self-governing experiment in democracy will come to an end.

Well, then, they are merely “words on paper.”

What if nobody reads this?

Well, then, they are merely “words on paper.”

Casey Bright, Ashland

This article originally appeared on Register-Guard: Eugene and natural gas, Snake River dams, and Supreme Court decisions