Letters to the editor: On Fabián García

Fabián García
Fabián García

These letters published in the Nov. 7, 2021 print edition of the Las Cruces Sun-News.

Fabián García a worthwhile honoree

Fabián García inducted into the National Agricultural Hall of Fame (Sun-News, Oct 26, 2021). This news article brought a big smile to my face — yes! Better late than never.

I met Mr. Garcia when I was 15 years old working as a nurse’s aide at McBride Hospital, the first 26-bed hospital with one private room in Las Cruces. My morning duties were taking temperatures and preparing the patients for their breakfast. About the third day of Garcia’s hospitalization, as soon as I was walked into his room that morning, he asked me in a loud voice “Why aren’t you in school?” I was surprised at his question, but responded as calmly as I could, “Sir, I am in school. I work a split shift arranged by the hospital to allow me to work and go to school.” He then added “So when do you have time to do your homework?” “My first class at Court Junior High School is study hall,” I responded. “Now may I wash your hands and get you ready for breakfast?” “Yes,” he said, “and if you need help with your homework, let me know, I’m here doing nothing.”

His questions every morning were about my school classes, and thank you but I don’t need help yet, I would tell him. After a few days he was discharged. Months later he was admitted again, to the same private room, very sick. This time private nurses were assigned to him 24/7, so I didn’t have the opportunity to talk to him. When I reported to work from school one day, I found his bed empty. I was sadden by his death.

Years later, my friend Dr. Deb Dennis, gave me a copy of his bio. I regretted not making the time to sincerely thank him for his concern about my schooling. Clearly, education was very important to him. Mr. Garcia’s infant son, José Garcia, is buried in the San José Cemetery, he died the year he was born, 1909.

Dolores C. Archuleta, Las Cruces

We need to pay legislators

In early 2021 many New Mexicans watched our legislature online, hoping for solutions to the issues we cared about. For me it was climate change, for others it was disaster funding, literacy, or LGBTQ rights, etc. But instead, we saw hearings intentionally dragged out by repetitive questions, then more filibusters when the few surviving bills reached a vote in the full House or Senate. Then the 60-day session expired and many dozens of important bills died without a vote as the clock ran out, with hundreds more stuck in committee starved by lack of time.

This needs to be fixed. New Mexico has the only unsalaried state legislature left in the country, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, and some of the shortest sessions. It was designed that way in 1912, along with the short 30-day and 60-day sessions, to benefit the wealthy ranchers and landowners, who needed no salary to serve. Every other state has changed this system. New Mexico faces big issues and needs a modern legislature with better representation from its diverse communities. Yes, many good legislators also hold down jobs, but why should we force them to request time off to serve?

We elect our legislators to represent us. If we want members from working families to serve and pass better laws to benefit all New Mexicans, we need to pay them. With a salary, they could also afford longer sessions, perhaps 60 and 90 days, so fewer good bills would die each year. We get the legislature we pay for. If the people don’t pay for it, someone else does, and their interests may not be our interests. Let’s support a bill to set salaries for our legislators and join the 21st century.

Thomas Solomon, Albuquerque

Take from the rich

As Americans, we all are concerned about our country and its future. We haven’t been keeping up with our infrastructure needs and are falling behind other countries in that vein. The reasoning is that we don’t want to put our children into debt, and justifiably so.

If we were to step back and look at the big picture, we need to question that debt and who is currently not paying into the system to keep up and/or reduce that debt. The news is constantly talking about how the wealthy are hiding their wealth in foreign countries/islands and not paying their fair share into the system that keeps us a strong and healthy nation. All of this also includes the aspect of our human infrastructure needs.

While our Congress can’t seem to agree on anything, it’s time they did. We not only need to invest in our country, we need to make up for lost time. The infrastructure bill should not be nickel and dimed down to the minimum while those that don’t work for a living and don’t pay their taxes get off scot free. The wealthy elite who inherit their wealth are sitting pretty while we American workers end up paying the taxes to keep us afloat.

It’s time to change that. We need to invest what is necessary, and those who have been cheating us and not paying their taxes need to foot the bill for this. Yvette Herrell, do you hear us?

Michael Sauber, Silver City

Lions Club shouldn't raise funds with gun show

Do we need more guns in L.C.? I don't think so but the local Lions Club doesn't agree with me. They hold a gun show once a year as their fundraiser and more irresponsible macho guys can add more guns to their collection.

I am tried of reading every morning about all the shooting that has been going on in L.C.

The Lions Club in L.C. is the only one in the USA that promotes a gun show as their fundraiser. I belonged to one of the largest Lions Club in Southern Califonria and we had other methods of raising funds that our local club should try.

Fidel Sanchez, Las Cruces

Landlords have responsibility to community

I have experienced renting from a senior citizen here, who rents a single family home that's been converted to three apartments. It was a nightmare. He does no background checks, I was living within feet of drug dealers, domestic violence, parolees. These people are destroying the neighborhood, homeowners who have been there 45 years. He puts himself in danger dealing in cash with these people. Dementia is not an overnight occurrence, but family that sees him two times a year or only by phone may not be aware.

Meanwhile this is happening here, with houses being condemned because of absentee owners who refuse to hire a property management company because in 1963 you didn't need one. They're being victimized by drug users, con artists, liars. The world has changed. Look out for your elders look out for everyone you care for and their mental health. Be thankful for community.

Robyn Carter, Las Cruces

This article originally appeared on Las Cruces Sun-News: Letters to the editor: On Fabián García