Letters to the Editor: Feb. 2, 2023

Letter to the Editor
Letter to the Editor

Adrian City Commission should evaluate city administrator

Employee evaluations are an important part of any organization or business. Employees should know what they are doing well and what they could improve upon. This same standard should also hold true for the City Commission of Adrian and their city administrator.

When asked about the evaluation tool the city commission uses to evaluate the city administrator, the response was there is no formal evaluation tool used to evaluate the city administrator. When asked if there was an evaluation of the city administrator in 2022, the response was there was no evaluation performed by the city commission of the city administrator in 2022. When asked if there was ever a written evaluation performed by the city commission of the city administrator since he was hired well over 18 months ago, the response was there was never a written evaluation conducted.

The City County Management Association (CCMA) and the Michigan Municipal League (MML) are organizations that provide supports to city commissions to ensure that training takes place on how a city commission should properly give their administrator an evaluation as well as using evaluation tools rooted in best practices so their work can align to the city's mission and vision.

I strongly urge the readers of the Telegram to reach out to the city commission members for the city of Adrian and urge them to fulfill their contractual obligations with the city administrator and evaluate his performance annually as required in his contract between he and the city. It would benefit the city residents if this is not only done on a set time schedule, but is done in writing using an evaluation rooted in best practices from the CCMA or MML. We residents from the city of Adrian deserve nothing less.

Bob Behnke


Dee Warner will be back

We all think we know what happened to Dee Ann Warner on April 24, 2021. Mine is, "She took a much needed time out."

I personally feel in my heart Dee will be back, maybe not to this area but will make herself more available to her children.

My gut tells me she always has been there for them, just maybe not in the form of cash that now is being managed by her husband, Dale Warner, on their family farm.

Ruth Ann Nortley


This article originally appeared on The Daily Telegram: Letters to the Editor: Feb. 2, 2023