Letters to the editor: Franklin County Friends of Legal Services says thanks for book sale

Thanks for support of Franklin County Friends of Legal Services book sale

To the editor:

On behalf of the Franklin County (Pa.) Friends of Legal Services, I want to thank everyone who contributed to the tremendous success of our 37th annual Friends of Legal Services Book Sale last month. The sale was a wonderful community event, and all the proceeds will go to provide legal help in civil cases for low-income families and individuals in our area.

The local businesses and offices that served as donation sites, the hundreds of people who donated thousands of books, and the volunteers who transported, sorted, priced, and sold them, all deserve our thanks and the thanks of the community. We are particularly grateful to F&M Trust, the law firm of DiLoreto, Cosentino and Bolinger, M&T Bank, St. Thomas American Legion Post 612, and Mix 95.1 and Classic Rock 94.3 WQCM for their generous support as sponsors of the sale.

The dates for our 2024 sale have not yet been set, but please watch this publication or visit www.fcls.net for announcements regarding the book drive and the dates of the sale. In the meantime, if you have books to donate, or if you are interested in volunteering, please call us at 717-496-3364 or email legalservicesbooksale@gmail.com.

Sue DeVos, President, Franklin County Friends of Legal Services

Points made in political letter seem illogical or untrue

To the editor:

A recent letter to the editor discussed a series of “begats” where one president “begat” the next. I agree that the public’s reaction to the policies of one president or presidential candidate might cause the voters to consider whom they might vote for in the next presidential election, including the election and subsequent electoral defeat of one “orange Frankenstein” as the writer so descriptively penned.

Letters to the editor: When it comes to American politics, 'turn back, O man, forswear thy foolish ways'

No major political party of which I am aware “promotes transsexual swimwear, the death of masculinity, and after school Satan clubs … ” or “for the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” I’m not aware of any of these things being a part of any mainstream political party’s platforms or proposals for legislation.

Perhaps the writer has been deluded to have these beliefs by selectively viewing or reading certain agenda-driven propagandist media. It is obvious to me that one party seems to be trying to help promote freedom and choices while another party seems to be trying to drastically reduce them.

I don’t understand how one party demands freedom for parents and adults to decide certain things for themselves while denying freedom to decide other things. That seems illogical.

I will say if you don’t like transsexual swimwear, don’t buy it or wear it. If said swimwear on a display at a store causes you to experience distress, please turn your delicate gaze elsewhere, perhaps to the lingerie section.

Don’t like losing your masculinity; don’t lose it. I would like to have the freedom to decide what swimwear I buy and wear, what constitutes my idea of being a man, and what, if any, religion I wish to devote myself. I would like to suggest you not shove your choices and your religion down my throat.

Allen W. Ditto, Hagerstown

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This article originally appeared on The Herald-Mail: Annual Franklin County book sale a success